Edition The National Interest called five types of weapons that make the US Army dangerous


Military Observers of Edition The National Interest made a list of five types of weapons of the US Army, which are dangerous for opponents.

According to the US National Interest (Ni) military experts, there are five types of weapons in the US Armed Forces, which make the country's army dangerous for potential opponents.

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Opens the TOP-5 List of Grozny Army US Army Impact Helicopter AH-64 Apache. Wide-standing US Armed Forces from the mid-80s, helicopter became the most common world in 2018. By participating in many military conflicts AH-64 Apache proved that the drum helicopters play one of the leading roles on the battlefield. AH-64 Apache carries on board the AGM-114 Hellfire rocket and armed with a single-barreled automatic 30-mm m230 gun. Such arsenal allows the helicopter to destroy the tanks of the enemy. Ni experts note a good combination in the An-64 Apache Fire power, speed and range.

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Then follows the legendary M-1 Abrams tank, the modifications of which allow it to be considered one of the best in the world. The United States's Army, all in the 80s of the last century, the tank weighing 60 tons has an impressive arms arsenal consisting of 120 mm guns M256, several machine guns and a computer control system for fire. The thickness of reservation from uranium reaches almost a meter, and the maximum speed M-1 Abrams is 64 km / h.

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The third position is occupied by SAU M109A6 Paladin. This is the latest version of self-propelled Gaubitz M-109, in addition to the service in the US Armed Forces, was distributed in the army of NATO countries. Shooting is carried out by 155-mm projectiles, and the reactive versions can effectively affect targets at a distance of 32 km.

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On the fourth place there is an "old man" by the standards of modern models of weapons, a heavy anti-tank missile complex (PTRK) BGM-71 TOW. Having a 45-year-old experience, TOW, thanks to its impressive characteristics, is still in the ranks. The rocket complex is characterized by simplicity of use and the ability to upgrade it, adjusting to the conditions for maintaining modern battle. BGM-71 TOW was able to express himself in many conflicts - from the War in Vietnam, before combat operations in Syria. The constructors of the United States already adjusted the release of several modifications of the updated TOW 2B version.

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Completes the list of American large-caliber machine gun John Browning M2. The beginning of the creation of M2 was laid during the reign of US President Franklin Roosevelt. However, Browning Machine Gun still demonstrates impressive abilities. Its updated version of M2A1, adopted in 2010, has a quick-change trunk with a flame arrester, a caliber of 12.7 mm and speed-fire from 635 to 1200 shots per minute depending on the version. In the US Army, M2A1 is used not only as a regular machine gun of the ground forces. He successfully established himself with weapons suitable for sniper or anti-aircraft shooting.

Earlier it was reported that we will supply the Russian army in 2021.

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