Judges of the Supreme Court did not agree with Asanov on the site in Nur-Sultan - Kozachkov


Judges of the Supreme Court did not agree with Asanov on the site in Nur-Sultan - Kozachkov

Judges of the Supreme Court did not agree with Asanov on the site in Nur-Sultan - Kozachkov

Astana. February 13. KazTAG - Judges of the Supreme Court did not agree with the Chairman of the Higher Judicial Instant Jacipes Asanov on a land dispute in Nur-Sultane, Mikhail Kozacchkov said the famous journalist.

"A piece of land with a slightly more hectare is located in the metropolitan area" Esil ". The neighboring area of ​​62 weaves is put on the roofs of the roof - the T250 million is asked for it. Therefore, it can be assumed that the hectare can be filled with $ 1 million, no less. But in our country it is impossible to buy land and sit on it for years, without doing anything. That is why Actan Akimat in 2017 wrote down the order of the owner - the BSM LLP - on the need to use the site for the appointment, "the Kozachkov reported on Saturday.

He clarified that the target appointment of the Earth is the construction of a low-rise residential complex.

"In 2018, urban officials came with the audit and found out that construction work did not begin, so Akimat sued" BSM ", demanding to convey a plot to communal property. The law is strong, but it's law. Akimat was satisfied with the fall of 2018, after which the decision remains unchanged in appeal. Finally, in 2019, the dispute entered the Supreme Court and hit the Taythrendov Collegue, Duisenbaeva and Maksyuti. And already here, in the third instance, the new details of the proceedings turned out - it turns out that the audit found out that the foundation is chosen at the site of the land plot. That is, as if construction work has already begun. But with a deeper study of the issue, it turned out that the owner of the site there are no permits for construction, no approved project, "the author clarified.

Moreover, he noted, the owner of the earth tried to order a sketch project, but it turned out to be simply impossible, since engineering networks were not listed to the site.

"But since the land belongs to a commercial organization, it is its problems. These are the so-called entrepreneurial risks. On this basis, the top of the judges refused to satisfy the complaint and left the decision to transfer the Earth to the city in force. It would seem that the story ended. But then the chairman of the Supreme Court made a personal view of the revision of the case. Since it has already been seen in the last instance, the fate of the land plot was entrusted at once with seven judges - nostril, Eskendirov, Eralyaeva, Imaniyazova, Kajizhan, Merzaka and Odintova. Why among them did not turn out to be Kyzylordinant Baimakhanov, it is not clear. But Maksyute there was already ordered. And here the seven of judges in March 2020 once again studied the essence of the dispute and came to the conclusion that the chief would have to refuse this time, "the Kozachkov said.

Recall, on February 9, Kozachkov said that the State Fund of Problems lost to the private LLP "Mercur Grad" dispute on T34 billion after Asanov's intervention. As the journalist noted, the indicated LLP is connected with one of the richest people of the country of Eenali Baimenov. On February 11, the Kozachkov told about one case - he said that decisions in favor of Farmers Kh Gornovodskoye on the suit "Nurbank" were abolished on T107 million after Asanov's intervention. He also noted that Nurbank almost completely belongs to Rashita Sarsenov, according to the authoritative magazine Forbes - the ninth number in the list of richest businessmen of the country. "

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