"To identify the child's disease in the early stages." Why better wait with return to Zelenograd the Cabinet of the Sports Doctor in the previous format. Explains Rugby Coach Sergey Velmushkin


In the spring, the department of sports medicine at the 65th clinic was closed so that his visitors did not cross the patients with coronavirus. Athletes (including parents with children) suggested riding for certificates to Moscow. They want a sports doctor to return to Zelenograd as soon as possible. But the coaches urge to wait to instead of the Cabinet of a sports doctor, where formal references are discharged, achieve the appearance of a full-fledged diagnostic and rehabilitation complex with special equipment.

Why the branch in Zelenograd does not work

The department of sports medicine in a clinic on a chestnut alley suspended work in March due to the threat of proliferation of coronavirus. It was done that visitors to the unit (including about four thousand children) not overlapping with other patients of clinics - an IFA Center was working at its base, where there was a survey on Caida about 200 people.

The Gorbolnik reported that Zelenograd athletes may instead ride in the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine "at the Kurskaya metro station. As a result, the question with the search for another room for a sports doctor in our city was not resolved. The Department of Health has not answered the question that it was the department that did another room for athletes, and when the local branch appears again.

As Parents told "Zelenograd.ru" Parents, all children who are engaged in sports schools and paid sections are ford with certificates to Moscow. Without a certificate from a doctor, they are not allowed to participate in competitions, and in some sports and training. For many parents, it was inconvenient: not everyone is released from work to accompany the child, and you need to spend on the road.

Questions from the parents caused why in the face of the epidemic of all schoolchildren forced to go to Moscow, if traveling in transport is an additional risk of infection.

Read also the department of sports medicine closed to divide the flows of patients and healthy. Now four thousand children with parents ride a doctor to Moscow

"Our in-depth examination does not pass"

Rugby coach of the 111st sports school Sergey Velmushkin told Zelenograd.ru, why the department of a sports doctor would be better to return in the form of a whole complex of specialists with diagnostic equipment.

When athletes in his school ended the period of another inspection, the Moskomport after the request director of the school allocated quotas for a survey in Moscow in specialized clinics, "where there is an in-depth sports medical examination." Velmushkin explained what the inspection is different in Zelenograd and in Moscow: "We just have a study, an in-depth examination does not pass here. The guys are written to the doctor, come, he says: you must bring analyzes, a certificate from that, to bring a cardiogram, and here the child went on all clinics. [Then] come with their analyzes, a cardiogram for a doctor, he measures the pressure, asks to make several squats, evaluates tests and gives permission. "

In Moscow, he said, the guys pass an in-depth inspection of all doctors and instrumental diagnostics. "I like more, as children pass a medical examination in Moscow: everything is in one place, the tests are taken and the experts accept. For 2.5 hours, everything can be passed, "said Velmushkin.

Stop running through clinics

Turning to the depothet, coaches of the 111st schools asked, including the opportunity to make in Zelenograd not just a sports office, but the same in-depth examination, as in Moscow. As Velmushkin explained, this is important, since "many cases, when some diseases in the child do not reveal in the early stages."

Deputy Moscow City Duma from Zelenograd Andrei Titov sent a request to the prefecture, the Gorbolnitsa and the head of the Health Department Alexei Khripuna with a request to explain the reason for the closure of a sports office and to call the time to resume his work. From October 22, he has not received the answers.

Velmushkin believes that if you open a compartment, it is better to raise the issue of the whole building for a survey, the allocation of funds for the complex on the inspection and rehabilitation of athletes. "We so understand that now it is discussed at the negotiation level. I think Zelenograd needs such a center, it will be possible to use it for the rehabilitation of other people, not necessarily athletes." According to him, the parents of athletes of his school are ready to wait for the discovery of such a complex: everyone speaks for an in-depth examination, besides, they would be happy to stop "running through the clinics".

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