"Topi": Guide to doomed


Asthenic syndrome. No, in "Tops" do not quote Kiru Muratov. However, the heroes of the series with each sip of local water feel more and more nervous weakness. Not a goatochkom, but the rams will be one after the other metropolitan residents who left for the Plenuary, in the Orthodox Spa. Baran - the animal sacrificial, whom will bring to the altar, and who will go to the mischief, but the blood will inevitably go on the swamps. Oh, Russia is deep, loves the liberal of you when it would not be cold, yes absurd, and the total tin, turning the life of the person's fat to the tin ... yes flies, more precisely of the wrath.

Balabanov. To the question of flies that we have forever buzzing, flying around to the mountain of corpses. Here, the Russian spirit, here Alexey Okabinovich smells. Russia is already 20 years old as disappeared with radar. Wrecked in the Bermuda Triangle area. It is an isolated and formed by Balabanov, Pelevin and Sorokin. No exit, expensive comrades. Domestic cinema, like Fatherland, does not even try to free themselves from this captivity. Atrophy of the will seems to not notice Andrei Zvyagintsev or, for example, Cantemir Balagov. And still Yakuts. But this is because Russia is not interesting. They are in the universal players.

Power. Power in Russia, as you know, from God. But God seems to have died. God - yes, and the KGB is not. From the changes of consonants in the abbreviation, the essence of the three-letter office does not change.

Glukhovsky. One in three faces. The author, the main character ... no, not so. Freedom, equality and fraternity. In the watered waters of "Tops", only transparent metaphors, no dramatic polyphony, the characters open the mouth, and Dmitry Glukhovsky sings. The fact that our death rides on a black gelika. But who was planted for the wheel? We also. Self-reflection is expected to turn around with self-vacation. Who killed? You killed, s. So the salvation of drowning is the work of the Russians themselves. Sternly? But honestly. In addition, Glukhovsky does not run the changed person responsibility. And he in the final series bangs at the table, drinking with brothers on the grave.

"Topi" "Topi"

Durov. Denis Olegovich Titov invented a portable polygraph, so compact, which fits in an iPhone. The empire lies in danger, the start-ups are collapsed, armed with a smoothie. The author's skepticism is clear, smoothie ordered, served, drink, and Putin and so on there. Is it still unknown, who is more disgusting - power or clients of Brandobrev? It is possible that they are generally familiar and enjoy the same hot towels. Russian rumor rumors annihilated. Roskomnadzor did not defeat the telegrams, but the telegrams did not defeat Deep State.

Eugene Onegin. "Topi" claim to the golden root of the great encyclopedia of the post-Soviet life. Well, death. If the average temperature in the hospital is soon - like a corpse. Of course, the "Topi" is the series in verses, in Panchah. There is light and half a bed here, and most importantly, the light that, of course, is darkness. She always comes, never gives the position. And the wonderful dream of the heroes of "Trey" dreams, as if they go along the swampy glade, the sad Magnoy was surrounded, in full swill, they stopped, suddenly the bush moved, because of him, the lispured Sukhanov came, to kill them, and devour their souls. In Russia, without a host it is impossible. So vodka is asking for them to pour the heroes of "Tops", they eventually flew home, and half-and-aid, half-blood, is watching them in the mirror. Semi -mer, alas, there will be not enough. There will be nothing at all.

Journalists. Press in the "Tops" like Saya Bela. Not honest. Not smart. It does not matter for us or by the methods it works. Freedom is not a radio and not conscious need. Freedom wanted? Then go out the window. In the door, they still do not let us. So far, in Russia, freedom is one - movement. From life to death. Early.

Zone. Consciousness among Russians - camp. And the zone is internal. Although we are constantly told that the opposite is. That tower, barbed wire, barracks ETC - not what it seems. The chorus and chundra owner are freely published - this is a chorine and Kalinich, after 150 years have one right. Make lifts.

Trailer for the series "Topi"

History (big). Russia is wide. Narrative in Russia - long. It is necessary to live in Russia for a long time. So that the story finally regretted you. Put all the points, all the punctuation marks in the lists of rehabilitated. A big story requires many victims. The owner in "Tops" - Who is he? Putin? Stalin? Colonel Kurtz? No matter, the apocalypse is always now.

Crime. "This is not a battle of psychics, this is an ordinary crime," says the carriage of Tikhon's transported hero. Glukhovsky in "Tops" is engaged in the desaxralization of the tops, the king is naked. The Kremlin is just a building. CECI EST UNE PIPE. Down with Surrealism! Give a plan of monumental liberal propaganda!

Liberals. Well, they are, doves. Our Obliga, our forces of light. Our zoe lights. Will they help electrify / reform Russia-mother, what persistently drive them away from the hem? Based on the criticism of the liberal mind, represented in the "Tops" of Glukhovsky, is unlikely. But in Russia there is always a place for a feat. Homer, Milton, Glukhovsky. Prometheus, Danko, Denis Titov. To Be Continued.

Police. My militia takes place. Police - the organization is not charity. That's all you need to know about the "fop". Recently, the authors of the Russian TV series love because of the bushes withdraw the FSB officer and die on it. Such a post-, Method of life. In the "Tops", this Stockholm syndrome is partially overcome. The most humane man in the Glukhovsky - cop. What does this explain to us? That human Russia is still not alien.

People. People in the "Tops" silently. There are no foreign people, he is ready to give his own way. The only thing that the people exhibits the centuries is internal paganism. Obviously, it is more effective than internal emigration.

About zero. The hero of Maxim Oakhanova clearly read Nathan Dubovitsky. Maybe even visited Kirill Serennikov's performance. In Russia, everything is multiplied by zero. Such arithmetic. Such geometry. Parallel direct will definitely cross. For example, in the seventh studio. Do not eat famously, do not play with fire. It was said, in the largest country, the theory of small affairs is not applicable.

"Topi" "Topi"

Orthodoxy (atomic). In the "Tops" the priest is hanging every night and is resurrected every morning again. Infinite old new year. 1937? No, his literate option. The servants of the Church in the "Tops" of the church are used as a casket for office supplies. Because they actually serve in the "office".

Cancer. In "Tops" from all diseases, the main - brain cancer. Accident? I do not think.

Special services. See "Power".

Tarkovsky. Was. But came out. All. And all the same, his skeleton is getting out of the closet. In the closet in the "Tops" hides the sony sister-broken on the motorcycle. "Topi" - as a "mirror" or as "Solaris". Or as latechnitskaya. In "Sunset-Boulevard", the corpses are proclaimed, in "Tops" distortion. Russian Federation Stalkeritis of the USSR, and that Rus. You do not leave.

Criminal Code. On the territory of "Trey" does not work.

Feminism. I have not won the "Tops" yet. Basic female characters four. Sonya, she is a Sonya Marmaladov. Catherine with suspicious surname Lebyadkin. She is mommy and whore. Ale - is responsible for exotic, as on sites for adults. Arina is a witch, which means to burn her on the fire in the old good patriarchal custom. Archetypes emancipated from male optics slowly. But right. "Topi" give feminism chance and even reason about the problem of female aging. The aging, however, is not a problem, but just the fate, which is not to change any ideology with philosophy. What in Russia, that worldwide.

Horror (new). "Topi" due to social issues and explicit political mission, of course, are embedded in the modeling group of Fibonacci today. New horror processing on the movie planet. Ari Aster, Robert Eggers, Jordan Pil. The closest "Topi" is selected to "We". Unfortunately, in Russia, laughter through tears. Therefore, humor "Tops" is much heavy that he writes saw. Well, the genre structures also in the "Tops" crack. As they say, who in the "Tops" was, he is not laughing at the cinema.

"Topi" "Topi"

Centre. In the "Tops" do not like Moscow. In the province of the swamp, the word "Moscow" can mean only one. Negation. Moscow is not Russia. You do not need to come to us, you need to stay with us, you do not need to teach us, you must suffer with us.

Chechnya. In the "Tops" there is Chechnya. But watching the Russian cinema of the last 20 years, you might think that there is no Chechnya, it simply may not be. In "Tops", of course, do not pronounce the name of whom we never call. But there is his shadow. And echo of war. Chechen / civilian. And the first and second. Who won - Glukhovsky remembers.

Joke. Empty and stupid. And endless. Who will be the last one in the "Tops", who will changed away?

Shuffle. There is no it in Russia. Peace on the graveyard. The will need to be frightened.

Ecology. Very bad. In the "Tops" there is a plant that polluting the landfill. However, his hands, his thoughts, his soul are so already blocked that no radiation of the owner will take. Well, all the others - they don't care about them. They are on death going.

Southern Gothic. Her traditions are aproinded by the North. He is barbaric. The gospel in Russia is not preached. This detective is not a place here. Not that guilty, no zpi see.

Yankovsky. Born to make a fairy tale about the long-promised male objectification to make it. Yankovsky in "Tops" - Naked, dead, angry and beautiful. Underline whatever applicable.

Screensaver series "Topi"

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