People told about 10 strange situations that could not explain. Some resemble a movie script


We can find a logical explanation to almost everything that happens to us, and sometimes sometimes there are situations in which we lose the gift of speech. One user Reddit offered subscribers to tell what strange and inexplicable cases took place with them. Reading these stories, we seemed to see the detective, and maybe even a thriller or horror. Find out the secret of your friend in a dream, read the letter from the future or forget to forget the whole day from your life - all this reminds the scenes from the film. But these episodes took place in the biographies of real people.

We in selected 10 stories from this thread for you. So make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, comfortably arrange in a chair and get ready for travel to the unknown.

Letter from the Future

People told about 10 strange situations that could not explain. Some resemble a movie script 698_1

Many years ago my wife was pregnant and soon gathered to give birth to our 2nd child. Mom came to visit us for several days. One evening, Mom asked the handle, paper and envelope. She wrote something, sealed into the envelope and gave me, saying: "Put it in your pocket and do not open. You will understand when you open. " After half an hour, his wife said that it was time to go to the hospital, she began fighting. After about 9 hours, at 3:45, our 2nd daughter was born. She weighed 3,900, and the growth was 51 cm. In those days there were no cell phone, I called my mother from the hospital to report news. She took the phone and immediately said: "Before something to tell me, open the envelope." So I did. In the letter it was written: "Girl, 3:45, weight 3,900, height 51 cm." I kept this paper for many years. When mom died, I opened the safe, where it lay this letter, but it was not there. © Gullyf / Reddit

Invisible lady

When my son was not yet three, he came to my bedroom and began to repeat that there was some lady in their sister's room. I was half a half and did not give it importance, so I just ordered him to climb my bed. He lay down on the bed, but every few minutes I won me to tell about the lady. Then he said she stands in the door of my bedroom. To show him that there is no lady and what you need to sleep, I took it and brought it out of the room into a dark corridor. We stand in the corridor, and I say: "You see, no ladies." He straightened his finger further into the corridor, where there is nothing, and says: "Mom, she is right here. Here is this lady! And this is her house. " Where he showed, there was nothing, even the shadows. I tried to hide that I was not afraid of a joke, and said: "Well, it must be a cute lady." I took my son to my bed, and he immediately fell asleep, and I wake up a few hours, thinking that this "Lady" in my apartment, which is more than 100 years old, must be hanging out somewhere here and looks like I sleep. © kokenhaken / Reddit

Pregnancy pregnancy

People told about 10 strange situations that could not explain. Some resemble a movie script 698_2

Once I had a dream that my former colleague (girlfriend 1), with which I rarely communicated, pregnant. In a dream, I was again in my old office, and they told me that I should take her place. I am as follows: "Yes, you, I went to a new place last year." Here a very pregnant colleague appears here and says: "Yes, stop, it's the same time while I decorate." I told my husband. It was a strange dream, and we joked about how terrible it would be to get out of that work first for me, and then again back to her. After about a week, I dream of a dream about another friend (girlfriend 2), with which we talked little, and she is also pregnant. Next week, I accidentally meet a girlfriend 1 and tell her to joke that in my dream she was pregnant. She says that it is and, but she hasn't told anyone about it. I laughed at this and told my husband. He joked: "Didn't you have a dream that a friend is pregnant? You should call her. " It is even more fun, because a friend of 2 of my age, and she has children, and we kind of are already old to start all this re-on. The next day I call the girlfriend 2 and tell about my funny dream. It turns out that she is also pregnant, and they still did not speak anyone. You can go crazy! © WHEAD12 / Reddit


People told about 10 strange situations that could not explain. Some resemble a movie script 698_3

I drove home from work, in front of me was the car of the same model, the same year of release, but another color. Then we both rebuilt into the strip to turn left, on a long straight road with fields on both sides of it. This car turns in front of me, and I am waiting to skip the counter car, then turn it too. It occupied seconds 5, no more. Nevertheless, when I spoiled, that car was not visible anywhere. With this road there are no congresses, it is long and straight, so that you can see quite far forward. Auto just evaporated, and I still think what it was. I am 100% sure that this car did not unfold. The road is narrow, so that the driver would not work out to make a complete turn, without giving back, or he would have to come in the field. When I turned on this road and noticed that there is no one in front, I looked around and saw another car that went after me. But there was no car that was as mine. On this road there was no place where he could have moved, otherwise I would see him. © omglookawhale / Reddit

I know what your name is

People told about 10 strange situations that could not explain. Some resemble a movie script 698_4

Once I stood in line at the cashier in the supermarket. Ahead of me was a woman and her (I suppose) a 3-year-old child. I have never met them before. The kid was sitting in the cart, and his mother went ahead to be more convenient to unload her. The child looked straight in my eyes, smiled, laughed and very clearly twitched my name. I have a very unusual name, which makes the situation even more strange. © Mycenea1961 / Reddit

Remember all

As an adult, I told my mother about the house in which I visited a dream. It was brown, with two bedrooms, in 2 floors, a staircase angle. I listed her all the details of this house. In general, it turned out that I described the house in which it was born. Well, that is, I was born something in the hospital. But my family began to live in this house 2 years before my appearance, and when I was 7-8 months, we moved. At first I thought that maybe my brain recreated the setting on the photos I saw. But there was no such details in any picture. For the most part, these were large plans, so the background was not particularly visible. Better explanation: Perhaps my brain reproduced old vague memories, because I have noone else to learn anything about this house, in particular about the layout, placement of furniture, etc. © Anxiousriddle / Reddit

Telepathic messages

People told about 10 strange situations that could not explain. Some resemble a movie script 698_5

I think it may be a coincidence, but still strange. I can make (I could not pick up the best word) one boy send me a message. This is a concrete guy with whom we were closely friends when we were 12-13 years old. When we switched to senior classes in different schools, the connection was lost. Sometimes I think, do not write to him, and for 10 minutes I receive a message from him. It is very wonderful and happens only with this guy. Once we did not talk about a year, and he wrote to me with anyone when I thought it would be necessary to contact him. I asked why he wrote to me, he said that he felt a strange gust, as if something pushed him. This is actually incredible, although it may be just a coincidence. © ImWhittling / Reddit

Day i don't remember

I was about six years old. On Wednesday evening, I went to bed, and when I woke up, was Friday. I remember that I asked my mother why today Friday, because yesterday was the environment. She said yesterday quite exactly Thursday. I asked what I did on Thursday, because the last thing I remember is how I fall asleep on Wednesday. She listed than I did, but I did not remember anything. I never found out why I can't remember that Thursday. © SIMAVOK / REDDIT

A gift from the northot

People told about 10 strange situations that could not explain. Some resemble a movie script 698_6

My mother experienced a difficult period: she had little money. Single mother with two children. She always was upset because of the accounts, because it was usually enough money only to pay them. She worked a lot, went out in a few shifts in the hospital. But in that month it was especially hard. Mom swept up in the house and prayed for help. When she turned to throw out the garbage, she saw a new crispy 100-dollar bill in a filled garbage bucket. In addition to us in the house no one lived. She could not explain it. © Poshfiend / Reddit

Invisible in sight

I brought home important paper and lost it. Watched everywhere. After 2 weeks I decided to call the company so that they sent me a copy. On that day, when I planned to call, I went to the kitchen and took the container from the refrigerator with lunch. He went to the living room, took the phone, returned to the kitchen to warm up lunch in the microwave. The missing paper lay on the lid of the container with lunch. Even now, when I write it, I have goosebumps and I'm trembling. © __b *** pudding__ / reddit

Have you ever got into situations that were not logical explanation? Tell us your mysterious stories.

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