How Formula 1 began - desperate fifties!

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In the 50s, car races are generally those that later became known as "Formula 1", they were very different from modern. Although at that time, motor-consumption competitions were already more than half a century. But it was in the post-war years that car races began to seriously evolve. Then there were other morals, security was at zero. Therefore, the accident had extremely serious consequences. It will be blasphemous to say that the death of the pilot was then in the order of things, because it is always a big tragedy. But it happened, to great regret, several times a year. And since the season, pilots knew that they were not honored by several of their rivals at the end of the year.

Vladimir Bashmakov

Now sometimes successful riders finish chasing at 35 or 40 years. Whereas in the 50s it was the age of pilots in the heyday. Many of the races of that time began to chase before the war. Legendary Argentine Juan-Manuel Funky Five-fold World Champion of Formula 1, debuted in the European Grand Prix races in 1948. That is, two years before the emergence of the World Cup. At that time he was 37 years old. However, he began to chase another 12 years before that, in the race of stock-box in Argentina.

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In 30 years, motor racing just begins. Unless, of course, judge by the biography of Juan Manuel Fanhio.

Pilots of those years were not like astronauts or pilots of fighters. However, the cosmonauts then did not yet. Some of them were rather fat. What is one José Froylan Gonzalez. Instead of overalls, they usually had a T-shirt or polo with pants. The helmet in the first years was leather, and there were no safety belts. Moreover, in the 50s it was believed that it is much better to fly out of the car than to remain squeezed in a pile of metal. Fencing on the track, we can assume that there was not at all.

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In the 50s it was believed that it is much better to fly out of the car than to stay squeezed in a pile of metal

But speeds were already high, as well as the level of exercise. So the pilot had to be fearless and hardy. In the middle of 50s, formula 1 was developed at about 300 km / h. Of course, it is clear that the rates in the turns in those years were much lower than now. However, braking were very long and not stable. At the same time, the races went longer than modern. Their length was from two and a half to three hours, and not one and a half or two hours.

Pilots were driving almost with a completely open body. In their racing car there were big cuts around the edges. They flew rubber, butter, and their hands were erased to corns. Each error could cost life. Speaking, about the level of physical exertion and endurance, it is worth noting other facts. For example, such marathons like 24 hours Le Mans Pilota drove up at the time as the crew now consists of three people. And in 1950, Louis Rosier spent on the wheel of 23 hours and 15 minutes. That race he won along with his son. It was a sport of harsh men.

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The legendary races of the 50s literally spent the wheel of the day of day.

In the 50s, the pilots did not conclude long-term contracts with teams as now. Then there was no such stagnation as part of the teams. Fanhio always chose the fastest car for the next season, and always guess with the team. He won titles in the teams of Alpha Romeo, Mercedes, Ferrari and Macerat. For example, Michael Schumacher, broken a record of Fanhio in terms of the number of championship titles, which lasted 46 years old, became a champion in two teams. By the way, like Lewis Hamilton. However, sometimes transfers were a consequence of tragedies on the track.

In racing, sometimes you could meet people of noble blood. In 1948, Igor Trubetskaya won the race Targa Florio. He also participated in a number of others, among whom was the Monaco Grand Prix. The grandson of King Siam, Prince Bira, participated in the races of the Grand Prix in the 50s. Now there are also people of aristocratic blood. For example, Ferdinand von Habsburg or Albert Background Thorn University Taxis. But still the generation is completely different.

Among other things, the structure of the racing itself was different. Despite the existence of several championships, a lot of outstanding Grand Prix has also been carried out during the year. Plus a lot and other races to which pilots treated with all seriousness. It also happened that the factory team could not go to the start of the race, which was included in the World Cup. Then, the pilot who wanted to take part in it was forced to go to the start of another team.

The important competitions included not only the races on the machines of Formula 1. The class of sports cars was quite equivalent. He collected on the start of the main stars of the world motor sports, and some stages called the Grand Prix. As, for example, the Cuba Grand Prix of the 57th and 58th year. But he entered the story rather not because of the events on the track. Pilots of those years the danger was waiting not only on the track. Cuba Fulkencio Batista President wanted to turn Havana into a kind of Las Vegas's similarity, as well as to raise the international prestige of the country.

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President Cuba Fulhensio Batista loved cars and motor rates.

Among the events planned for this purpose was the Grand Prix, which was first held in 1957. The race took place on sports cars. In the 57th year, I won the fuchio. The following year besides him, a number of famous riders were announced, such as Stirling Moss, Pedro Rodriguez, Mastin Gregory, Maurice Tritignan.

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The 50s is a decade of brave and tireless pilots.

But on the start of the race fuchio did not come out, because Fidel Castro was abducted by Revolutionaries. Initially, the abduction was planned in 57th, but there was no clear plan. Then fuchio wanted to kidnap at the airport. However, there was too much police to implement this plan.

In the evening, before the next day, the Grand Prix of Funhio came out in the lobby of the Lincoln Hotel to align. At some point, people approached him, and they said that he had to proceed with them. When the friends of the champion tried to enhance him, in the hand of one of the people of Castro flashed a gun. Revolutionaries tried to disrupt the Grand Prix, kidding the main star of the race. But Batista gave the installation to carry out the race, as if nothing had happened. At the same time, the police were thrown in search of fuchio. While the number of another star - Moss Stirling - was guarded all night to and he was not kidnapped. Funky, in an attempt to protect a friend, selected the rebels that Moss had a honeymoon.

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Even the terrible accidents could not knock the stirling of Moss from the "saddle."

Argentine was taken to a well-furnished apartment. And even the sun feed the steak with the potatoes. After that, he is lying to sleep. On the day of the race he was brought to him, according to which the Grand Prix was broadcast, but he did not want to listen. The next day, he was brought to the Embassy of Argentina. The race won Moss, but it was overshadowed by the accident of the local pilot Armando Garcia Sifuentes. As you know, he slipped on a spilled oil, and flew into the crowd. As a result, seven people died.

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The brave race Moss until the oldest was successful at the fans of motor racing.

The 50s occupy a special place in the history of auto racing. This is the decade of brave pilots, this time is the birth and starting history of Formula 1, World Sports Championship. These are the names of legends, such as Funky, Ascari, Farina, Moss, Gonzalez, Hawthorne.

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Source: Claxon Automotive Newspaper

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