The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building

The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building 6974_1
The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building 6974_2
The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building 6974_3
The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building 6974_4
The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building 6974_5
The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building 6974_6
The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building 6974_7
The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building 6974_8

Today, the process of "Belgazprombank" and Viktor Babarico begins. Recall, he was detained on June 18. Together with Viktor Babarico, his son Edward was detained. The former banker and the applicant for the presidency of Belarus is accused of obtaining a bribe in a particularly large size organized by the Group and the legalization of income obtained by criminal means, in particularly large amounts.

In the case of Belgazprombank, eight employees pass. According to the investigation, when Babarico was the head of the Board of Belgazprombank, he created an organized group from among his deposits in order to systematically obtain bribes. Alexey Zastoyko (the former first depositary of the Board of Belgazprombank), Kirill Babes (and. About. Chairman of the Board of Belgazprombank after Babarico's departure), Sergey Shaban (Deputy Chairman of the Board of Belgazprombank), Dmitry Kuzmich (Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank), Alexander Ilyasyuk ( The Bank's Deputy Board), Sergey Doboole (former deputy chairman of the bank's rule) is accused of obtaining a bribe in particularly large amounts. And Viktor Kobyak, who is the founder of the company "ACTILIZING", is accused of having a bribe re-either in a large scale.

On the court of journalists onliner,, "BelaPAN" and other non-state media did not accredited, despite the fact that the process itself is open. The meeting will begin in the court of the Moscow district of Minsk at 11:00.

We will remind, on February 4 a preliminary court session was held. With six accused - Badeem, Dobrole, Kuzmich, Ilyasyuk, Shaban, Kobyak - pre-trial agreements on cooperation. Then the courthouse was discouraged by the fence, and people were on duty at the entrance. All court sessions were canceled until 15:00, non-state media journalists were also not allowed.

9:31. Near the trial there is a sapper machine

So what happens near the court of the Moscow region? According to the head of Viktor Babarico, sappers arrived to the court building, and transport from the parking lot was taken out by a tow truck.

Also, eyewitnesses report that folded fences are already standing near the court, the traffic police officers are on duzhyright. On the parking lot near the building there are automobiles and minibuses, and the crowd of several dozen people awaits on the porch of the Moscow Court of Entrance. The court works from 9:00, but people start from 10:00. At the same time, the accredited press launched much earlier than relatives.

People inside are launching very slowly. In the crowd, the jokes of the 1990s have already gone. Among those who came to support Babarico, - Maxim Bogretsov. Babarico himself was already brought to court.

According to our correspondent, only lawyers and relatives are allowed inside the hall. The rest are asked to go out. At the same time, about a hundred people gathered near the entrance to court. They scream: "Run!", Knock in closed doors and ask them to be allowed to attend an open process. They do not go anywhere.

Andrei Dmitriev's politician came to the court building.

After some time, a representative of the Court was published to people and said that there would be no one else, since there were free places in the hall.

Our journalist reports that people are slowly starting to disperse. About 30 people remain near the court doors. Driving past the car periodically signal the gathered.


BelTA reports that the lawyer Viktor Babarico Dmitry Laevsky stated the petition for the rejection of the judges, referring to the fact that the relative of the judge in this case is a lawyer. The petition was rejected due to the lack of grounds.

And so now it looks like a babarico in court.

Lawyer Viktor Babarico Dmitry Laevsky announced a petition for changing the preventive measure to Viktor Babarico for maintenance under house arrest. The petition was rejected, transfers BelTA.

Now in court a break. At 14:00, the hall will be launched again, but only those who have already attended the process.

14:30. The court resumed

Lawyer Viktor Babarico Dmitry Laevsky said the petition for the abolition of the arrest of real estate. In particular, we are talking about an apartment and a garage in Minsk, belonging to the right of ownership of Mary Khovart (daughter Viktor Babarico). The court did not find the grounds to meet the stated petition. Transfers Belt from the courtroom.

By the way, Dad Maria Kolesnikova came to support Viktor Babarico.

Victor Babariko asked to allow him to gessulate in court to express emotions, and to highlight the possibility of more confidential communication with protection - one day a week.

Petition is partially satisfied. In particular, Viktor Babarico is allowed to be gesticulated during the testimony, BelTA transmits.

The court session in the case of Babarico will resume tomorrow at 11:00 in the court of the Moscow district.

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