Frank interview with Prince Harry and Megan Marck: Key points


On March 7, a frank interview with Prince Harry and Megan Plant was published on the CBS channel. Uncomfortable questions of the pair asked OPRA Winfrey. The conversation turned out to be saturated and rather stressful. Those who waited for sensations were satisfied. What did the Duke of Susseki told so terrible? Is it worth it to worry about the British royal family because of this interview and whether it became so destructive as in his time the revelation of Princess Diana? We will reply to all these issues in our summary of the 2-hour conversation of Sussexes and Oprah Winfrey.

The first: In an interview, Megan Planked told that the meeting with Prince Harry knew little about BCS. In her family, they never talked about the British monarchy and the young Megan even in thought was not to marry the prince. Duchess Sassekskaya also noted that due to the fact that she knew little about BCS, she was too naive when it entered this circle. If Megan had heard a little bit about the fact that he had a life in the palace, most significant mistakes could be avoided.

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Second: the Duchess shocked Operation Winfrey and all the audience with their recognition that no one taught her to "be princess". Marcle noted that everything was studied from the Internet and the spouse.

Oplan told:

"I left my career and all my former life to be with him. I wrote the letters to his family, told them that I was at their disposal. But it turned out that there are no books and instructions "how to be a princess": how to say how to put legs. At least I did not have them. No one taught me anything, even hymn, I myself studied everything at night with Google. "

Megan admitted that he learned to make a renewress in a couple of minutes before the first meeting with the queen. Her mentor was the prince Harry in this matter. Duchess noted that he did not even remember how he made his first renewed.

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Third: Megan Owl complained to isolation. Duchess told her that she was forbidden to meet with friends. It happened that she went to people (unofficially) only twice in four months.

She said:

"When I asked if I could go for dinner with friends, I was told:" No, you too much, you are everywhere! ""

Marcle noted that they were worried about the palace, as she looks from what they think about her, but no one took into account the feelings of the duchess herself.

Megan shared:

"I was confused by information in the media, then I never felt lonely. From the moment I became part of the royal family, I did not see my passport, driver's license and keys from the car. And was very glad to keep them in their hands when we began to live alone. "

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Fourth: Prince Harry and Megan Plant talked about British tabloids and noted how much the lives of famous people can "poison".

Former Hollywood actress noted:

"My parents were told to answer everything:" no comment. " I believed that she was protected, but as soon as we got married, I realized that it was not so. "

Megan Marcko noted that the Buckingham Palace defended other BCS members, sometimes even using a lie, but for some reason it did not consider it necessary to protect against the toxicity of the press.

Prince Harry also spoke on this:

"I understand how interconnected the relationship between the royal family and the press. How great fear is that tabloids will run on them. There is an invisible contract between the Royal Family and British tabloids. Simply put, the representative of the royal family should almost eat and feed the reporters so that he wrote well about him. "

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Fifth: Megan Plant said that they were afraid of the palace that Archi would be born in black. On the color of the skin of the primacy of Sassexes were constantly talked before his appearance on the light.

Duchess admitted:

"Before the birth of a child did not subscribe to the talk, how much dark could be his skin, as it will look and what it will mean."

However, who exactly talked about it, Sussexians did not tell me, as if Oprah Winfri did not try to ask them. Spouses noted that this was at the very beginning of their relationship and now they do not want to harm the BCS and those who have said this.

Sixth: Megan shared that her son was deprived of protection because of the title.

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Owl told the following:

"In the palace, they decided that Archi would not be a prince, and therefore he was not planned to allocate security. It was really hard. This was discussed for several months while I could not withstand said: "Wait a second. How it works? If only the title affects its level of protection ... We didn't create this monstrous car around themselves, you allowed it to happen, so our son must be safe. "

She continued:

"He is the grandson of the future monarch, Archie and our future child is automatically considered a prince and princess ... This is not their right to pick up the title. During pregnancy, they said that they wanted to break the protocol for this, having deprived Archie Titul, and I asked: "Why?" But I never received the answer. "

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Seventh: Another shocking moment of the interview was the recognition of the Duchess that she was thinking about suicide when Archi was under the heart. Suicidal thoughts came when her "attacked" the British tabloids. And although Marcle did not read what the press wrote about her, she heard about it from the people around it.

Megan said:

"I did not see the exit. I woke up at night, I sat and did not understand what to do. I realized that all this happens, just because I live and breathe. "

She continued:

"I just didn't want to live more. It was very clear, real and at the same time frightening thought. She was the only way out and solving all the problems. "

The Duchess noted that she was ashamed to admit the spouse in his terrible thoughts. But in the end she told him everything, because it was already on the verge.

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Plant shared:

"I remember, as Harry said about it, and he strongly squeezed my hand and said:" No, I don't think you should leave. Do not leave me alone"".

Marcle noted that he turned to the palace for help, but she was refused even in psychological support.

She shared:

"I was told that this is impossible, because" this will not benefit the "firm" (royal family). "

Duchess noted that they and her husband, despite their condition, continued to fulfill royal duties, making official exits into the world. And although both people were smiling in people, they had "Cats Screcks" on the soul. Megan Marcle remembered them with Prince Harry appearance in Albert Hall in early 2019.

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She commented on the photo from the event:

"We smile and carry out our work, but in fact both just try to keep."

Megan admitted, although it was not easy for her to appear in public, it was still better for it than to remain alone.

His story about suicidal thoughts, Marcle finished on a positive note.

She said:

"I lost a lot in this life: Father, Child, almost lost his own name. But I hold down, and my faith in people, regardless of all, makes me believe that there is another side that this life is worth living. "

Commented on the sad story of Spouse and Prince Harry. He stated that he suffered with his beloved. The royal grandson noted that he really wanted to appeal to the family for help, but did not dare.

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He said:

"Probably, I was ashamed to confess to them. I did not know if they would share my thoughts and feelings. This environment sucks that with many of them happened. "

And continued:

"In the family there is a well-established opinion that we are all through this (injury in the media) passed that this is already a familiar process."

Eighth: Sussexes could not talk about "Megesite". Prince Harry stressed that the refusal of royal duties is only his initiative, Megan has nothing to do with his decision.

He said:

"The current situation was harmful to us, and many have seen it. We all know what the British press is. I thought: "This is toxic." Therefore, I did what any husband and father would have done - it fell from it all his family. "

Also, the royal grandson admitted that the British monarchy deprived of his material content in the early 2020. The inheritance of Princess Diana helped him and his family.

He noted:

"She seemed to foresee all this, I seemed to feel her presence during this process. I am very happy and feeling a huge relief that I can talk to you today, sitting next to my wife. I can not even imagine what she (Princess Diana) was passing through this alone many years ago. Even to us together it was very difficult. "

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The royal grandson admitted that contracts with Netflix and Spotify became a forced measure, they had to find at least some earnings with his wife.

Duke said:

"We have a beautiful home and family, cool dogs. We did not think about such a thing at the beginning of the pandemic, but our friends said, but what about Strimies? There were many options, but only one thought was moving: you need to earn money and hire security so that my family is safe. "

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The ninth: told Prince Harry and about his life as part of the BCS, as well as about relations with his father and brother at present.

He noted:

"If not megan, I would not get out. I was trapped by this system, like my brother and father - they can't leave. And I have not seen any exit, I did not even understand that I was trapped. But I met Megan, and our worlds united ... "

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The royal grandson reproached his relatives in the fact that they did not defend his wife from racism. He admitted that the royal family ignored this problem and it caused him an incredible pain.

Duke said:

"I am very proud of my wife, she gave birth to a child in a difficult time for us. Every day I came home from London and saw the nursing our son Megan in tears. We did what they had to do.

To the question of the TV presenter, as, in his opinion, the Lady Di would be treated for all this situation, the Duke suggested that she would be out of herself from anger because of how her son and daughter-in-law treated in the palace.

Prince Harry admitted that his father does not respond to his calls. He noted that he did not expect such a reaction from him to his act, because the duke of Wales once passed through this.

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Sussex summarized:

"He knows what pain is. Archie is his grandson. They know only what they know - or what they say. But at the same time I will always love him, no matter what, and I tried to explain what is happening. "

As for the relationship with his brother, Prince Harry said:

"I love William very much, he was my brother, we went through the hell together, but now we have different roads. At the moment, between us is emptiness. But time treats everything. We did what they had to do.

Tenth: Megan Marcles also talked about its relationship with BCS members. And although everyone was waiting for it to wipe the relatives of her husband mud, it was not. In particular, the Duchess very warmly responded to Elizabeth II.

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She noted:

"The Queen is always wonderful to me, I really liked to lie next to her."

The eleventh: they talked to the duke and their current life, as well as the consequences of this interview.

Prince Harry said:

"I spoke this year with a grandmother more than over the past few years taken together. And never wanted to offend her anything, I respect her too and love to do it ... if then they were supported, we would remain in the royal family. I am proud of Megan, she saved our family. "

Markle himself noted:

"I regret only one thing: which believed in what I would be protected in the British royal family."

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She continued:

"But now, when we live in another world, we do not survive, we are all right, for us it is a new start. So my story with the prince is a happy end. It is better than any fairy tale that you ever could read. "

Duchess also summed up an interview:

"I don't know what they could expect after our long silence while the palace perpetuated in the media a lie about us. If we talk about the risk to lose something because of this interview, I will say directly - much and is already lost. "

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It should be noted that the producer company of the show Oprah Winfrey sold CBS TV channel rights to broadcast Sussex interviews somewhere for 7-9 million dollars. The TV channel itself earned on the revelations of Sussexes even more. According to Daily Mail, Oprah Winfri show was broadcast in 68 countries. The right to show it was worth each country about $ 1.5 million. The TV channel also sold advertising during the broadcast interview: inserts by 30 seconds cost customers at 300 thousand dollars.

Sussexes themselves earned on their revelations themselves, is unknown. However, earlier a representative of the couple said that the duke refused the fee.

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