"I want to return love and joy": Irina Bezrukova - frankly about the loss of the Son


Irina Bezrukova for a long time and hardly conquered Moscow. Now in the creative biography of the actress more than 60 roles in the cinema and the theater, but in her life everything is not as smooth, as on the screen.

Irina Bezrukova, after the New Year and Christmas holidays, a book was published, which is called "Live further". Epigraph of the publication: "I want to return love and joy in my life." As the actress itself was told on the ether of the program "Once ...", her son once said that he would love her to return them.

Irina Bezrukova: "And this phrase has imprinted, and I realized that it should do it, he would like it."

As Irina admitted, she wrote the book, or rather, he said during quarantine to help his experienced other people. The hardest chapter moved away.

Irina Bezrukova: "I wrote not for myself and did not immediately agree. 1.5-2 years acted different publishers. "

At the same time, it did not include all moments, in particular, those that concern other people.

Irina Bezrukova: "I had no task to accuse anyone, to revenge, exhibit in the ugly light."

Although, as the actress noted, people did not always behave adequately and fairly towards her, "there is no always someone, maybe he behaved on male." But, as Bezrukov emphasized, it is impossible to make life sterile, and any event "forms you."

Irina Bezrukov: "There were moments when I understood that the early death of my mother formed me as I became then. I learned to cope with some things, to go calmly to my goal, seek without any support, because I grew up with a girl without a support: I was not near Pope, then my mom was not, and then my grandmother was not, and I was left alone in Rostov -Not, and around - peace, and he is not always magical. "

As Irina notes, it has formed her character and then helped in life more than once. She was married to actor Igor Livanov. The son of Andrei was born in marriage, who tragically died in 2015 at the age of 25. The second marriage of Irina and Sergey Bezrukov, lasted 15 years, the couple broke up in the same 2015.

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Irina admitted that he could not attend the graves of relatives in Rostov-on-Don, because it does not believe that there is a "man's soul". Her Son also has no burial site.

Irina Bezrukova: "My son spoke such things that humanity grows at such a high speed that soon the whole world will turn into one large cemetery, why calamize the planet. There are different traditions when the bodies betrayed fire and then went in nature. I just performed his will. I am very grateful to his father, that he did not intervene, did not prevent it out. He said such a phrase: "Yes, Andrei would like it." And his dust is in the purest lake in Karelia. Andryukha loved water very much and ride fishing with his father, and they did not have time to get there. And Igor did it. "

Irina often thinks that it is necessary to let go of the Son, but it is difficult to do, especially when his birthday is approaching or the departure date.

Irina Bezrukova: "And I let myself these days, I ask him for forgiveness, and remember, and communicate with friends, it, our common. As for things, Andryukha loved to make gifts, and I invited his closest friends, my nephew, led them to Andrei's room, opened cabinets, books, clothing, and said: "Guys, I really ask you to do what you like, take you ". Some things, a small amount, I left, the most expensive. "

She stressed that the great happiness to know that you were a mom.

Irina Bezrukova: "If it's true that we have come to this land more than once, you just need to imagine that this person is a child, an adult - looks at you and does not want you to suffer because he is all the magnificent."

To the question of whether Irina allows new relationships and the fact that she will be able to become a mom again, the actress replied: "To become a mother, there must be a dad, a full-fledged normal family." But the experience in life gave her to understand that it was impossible to create relationships until "you did not recover emotionally," otherwise dragged into this state of another person.

Irina Bezrukova: "And if on purity, I did not see a number of such a person who would believe, because a woman is very important to trust and feel calm and confident. Or these men have wives, and married men are not considered in any way. "

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