What is useful to mint and to whom it is contraindicated

What is useful to mint and to whom it is contraindicated by Domadeal

Mint - familiar to all the grass since childhood. What do we know about mint? What is worth paying attention to the use of mint? We will talk about this and many other things in more detail.

Mint brings invaluable benefit to our body.

Mint can be successfully grown on the windowsill at home.

Mint in cooking

The most common use of mint is, of course, tea with mint. But besides tea from mint, delicious lighting cold drinks and lemonades are obtained (for example, mojito). In addition, mint is perfectly combined with lamb. Based on it manufactures sauces. Mint is added to fruit and vegetable salads. Confectiones of the whole world use mint in their baking and as decoration. The incredible mint jelly is boiled out of mint!

Popular Mint Varieties: Wild Mint, Mintla Mint, Mint Cat (Kotovnik Feline), Lemon Mint, Peppermint.

Meat benefit

What is the mint values? Of course, for the high content of mint and menthol essential oil. In addition, the composition of mint includes ascorbic, chlorogenic, coffee-powered, arginine, glucose, carotene.

✔ Pieces based on mint are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

✔ ️ mint is used to remove headaches and improve appetite.

✔ ️ mint has antiseptic properties with inflammatory processes.

✔ ️ mint is a component of drugs to reduce blood pressure.

✔️ infusion from mint is taken with nervous excitement, nausea, with hepatic and gastrointestinal colic, meteorism.

It is recommended to spray a solution of mint in the house or add a few drops of mint essential oil into an air humidifier.

Mint - contraindications to use

  • Excessive use of mint leads to dehydration of the body, as mint has choleretic properties.
  • Individual intolerances are possible, allergic reactions.
  • Mint causes drowsiness, it must be considered if you plan to get driving.
  • To refrain from the use of mint, in the case of the simultaneous use of drugs to reduce blood pressure, iron-containing, anticonvulsant, antibiotics.
  • Regular mint use in large quantities can adversely affect the sexual function of men. But from 1 cup of tea with mint per day there is no harm to the body.
  • If you have low blood pressure, you should be careful when using mint.
How to prepare mint?

For the workpiece, choose fresh leaves and mint flowers grown in an eco-friendly area.

The easiest way to dry mint, but it can also be freezed.

For drying, mint lay out the raw material on a flat surface and we leave it in a dry well-ventilated room without entering direct sunlight, you can at room temperature, until complete drying. After that, dry mint is kept in a glass container or in a paper package of up to two years.

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