How to conceive a boy of 100 percent: 7 proven method


On forums for women, it is very often possible to meet reports that their husband dreams of a son. Many girls want to find

who would help to conceive a child's child.

Qualified specialists rarely raise the issue of conscious programming of the floor of the future child. This topic is not particularly ethical. Moreover, there are countries in which abortions are held after the sex of the child recognize. Probably, in the presence of a strong desire, it is still possible to influence nature. Consider in more detail the well-known and fairly popular methods and will understand how to conceive a boy of 100 percent.

How to conceive a boy of 100 percent: 7 proven method 6849_1

Ovulation method

How to conceive a boy on ovulation? From the school program, everyone knows that the XX is chromosome women, XY - chromosome men. Upon contact with the female eggs, a spermatozoa with Y-chromosome will eventually be born male baby, when contacting a female egg sperm with a X-chromosome, a female child will appear. Studies of scientists have shown that spermatozoa with Y-chromosome is more active, but they live a much smaller period compared to sperm with X-chromosome. The task is to catch the necessary chromosomes.

For the Y-chromosome, the medium is most favorable during ovulation, which means the likelihood that the boy will be born much higher. It is important not to be mistaken with the date, since ovulation may also be later due to stress or illness. It usually comes 14 days before the start of menstruation.

Chinese calendar

This calendar arose about seven centuries ago. Now he is popular among future parents worldwide. In the presentation of Chinese, the date of birth is the date of conception, and not the appearance of the light. This important item must be considered. At birth, not in January or February it is necessary to add nine months to the birthday. At birth in other months it is necessary to compare New Year's holiday from the date of birth. If this happens before the new year, it is necessary to take a year and the resulting number to add nine months. Further from the intersection with the letter M it is necessary to hold a line by the month in the top line.

How to conceive a boy of 100 percent: 7 proven method 6849_2

Japanese calendar

In such a country as Japan, the birth of a boy is considered to be a gift for fate. From the very appearance of a little boy is surrounded by love and care. If the first child in the family was the kid of male, then all members of the family, including younger brothers and sisters, are meaningful. Most often, due to the big attention to himself, such a boy grows and becomes selfish.

The Japanese calendar is relatively simple to use. First it is necessary to determine the number of families, that is, the intersection of the birth line of the future father and mother. Then in the column numbered this number you need to find a month in which the probability of conceiving the boy is much higher.

See also: Why to enter the boys more difficult than girls

Blood update method

If a man has more young blood than a woman, then there is an opinion that he is more likely to conceive a son. In order to make sure in the youth of blood, it is necessary to divide the age of a man for four, and the age of a woman is divided into three, then compare. On calculations may affect any serious blood loss. Therefore, if one of the partners suffered an operation, then the operation should be counted. If a woman has a negative rhesus factor, then the result is changing radically, because in this case, more age blood will affect it.

How to conceive a boy of 100 percent: 7 proven method 6849_3


How to conceive a boy of 100 percent? It includes 12 tables. They were published in one of the women's magazines about thirty years ago. The data of future parents are necessary for the first three tables. It is important to record the resulting figures. Tables 4 and 5 there is an estimated date of conception of the baby. Table 6 is designed to count the sum and output of the result. If the resulting coefficient is more in a man, then a boy will be born, and if a woman is born, then a girl will be born.

Moon calendar

It is believed that the moon can affect not only the life of a person, but also on his offspring. There is an opinion that when the moon is in the men's signs of the zodiac, the probability of conceiving a boy rises. It is important that the conception takes place on the 11th, 15th, 19th or 21st day. The boy should be born healthy and energetic.

How to conceive a boy of 100 percent: 7 proven method 6849_4


It is common that certain microelements can affect the biochemical structure of the egg cell. In order to conceive a boy, a woman needs to change its diet slightly. You need to add more products to it that contain sodium and potassium. It is worth using as much potatoes as possible, bananas, fish, meat, prunes, oranges, peach, mushrooms, black chocolate and canned cucumbers. Such a diet must be observed about 4 months before the conception, and then return to normal nutrition.

There are some facts that can also influence the sex of the future child:

  1. If the age of a woman is an even number, then it will probably be able to conceive the Son in an odd month of the year. And vice versa.
  2. By age, the woman can be added the number of the month of conception and one, and then divided into two. If the remainder of the division arises, the boy will appear on the light.
  3. Woman weighing less than 54 kg, most likely, call the girl.
  4. The big probability of conceiving a boy, if the sexual act took place on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

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