Artem Sosnovikov: "Sometimes the investigators of Su SK in the Ivanovo region threaten"

Artem Sosnovikov:

This year was exactly 10 years from the day the investigative committee of Russia. With the head of the first department for the investigation of particularly important crimes of SU SCR in the Ivanovo region, Artem Sosnovikov met and took an interview with the correspondent of "Ivanovo news". In the first department, they are investigating serious and especially grave crimes, murders, including custom, and sexual crimes, including children. The leader says about the results of this work.

And curiosity criminal cases meet?

"In 2014, a 42-year-old local resident was judged in Ivanov, who raped four girls. Charismatic artist-engraver wrote letters to his victims, insisting on the "mutual agreement" of entry into intimate relationships and painted caricatures on investigators. The victims could be less if 10 years before that the jury did not justify the villain who had committed a similar crime. The artist never repented in the deed, and appeared on the court in a T-shirt with the inscription "bastards", explaining the judge: "Sorry, your honor, there is no other T-shirt."

The most difficult matter of recent years can you call the case ...?

"A criminal case of the attempted murder of the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Ivanovo Region, Alexander Borovkova, 2012. Complex, because we have failed to find understanding for a long time with our colleagues.

Well, things on colleagues from the MAVD system have always been and remain complex. Recently, increasingly sophisticated schemes in official crimes. If earlier, our colleagues from the investigative units of other departments did not do something (refused to initiate criminal cases, for example) in order not to spoil the figures, now there is a tendency to feel the evidence to appear service "Sticks" (disclosed crimes for reporting. - Note "Ying".). Now in court, it is in consideration of the case, where the police provoked an illegal turnover of weapons, actually throwing it through agents, issued detention.

This is a matter, and similar to the fact that the "authors" of crimes are suitable for a fantasy process, developing complex schemes with elements of organized crime - not just some stupid face. "

Artem Sosnovikov

Does the public prevents the work - on resonant cases, criticism of interested persons?

"Interestingly and useful, in my opinion, for any official perception of his actions through the prism, even sometimes not quite objective journalists. Criticism and assessment of work by persons far from the investigation is a useful tool, "warned - it means armed." But in general, this is the burden of managers, we try directly to protect the investigators in the departments from this process.

Sometimes we are threatened. Calls begin, and even not anonymous, "goals" through some "old acquaintances", attempts to give bribes, and everything happens. And according to the facts in relation to several officials who participated in the investigations, state protection measures were used. And now apply. "

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