Kamitama (神玉) is a protective matrix of space for power.


Good day Dear readers, all harmony, health and success in life.

Today I decided to share a single ancient procedure that allows you to harmonize the state of a person and create a place in its space, the technology of creating the kamitama. It is rooted in the ancient sacred Japanese traditions.

Mystery - from Greek. Mystrion (Mystery, Mystery) - Secret rites, whose participants experienced a special type of religious experience. Mystery mystery was not disclosed by the uninitiated, but time does not stand still and the uniqueness of our time is that many secret knowing becomes available.

Practicing Aikido At the beginning of the workout, we often perform the Furtam Ritual 降り (shake the Spirit) ..

The purpose of this exercise is to arouse the wake of the soul inside yourself. In the syntoism "Kon" (soul) is one of the most important elements along with "Mei" (Life), Rey (Spirit) and Ki (spiritual energy).

Kamitama (神玉) is a protective matrix of space for power. 6839_1

The concentration of Furitama Practice 降り 魂 is directed inward to our physical center. Recently, I was introduced with similar options. Exercises allowing to work out ..., Kusudama (from Yap. Kushuri - Medicine), Khogutama (from Yap. Hogo - Defender, Keeper) and Kamitam (神玉) - protective matrix of space.

Ancient-Japanese sacred technique.

A person has phenomenal abilities of the impact on the world around him and, undoubtedly, can create individual places for power in its spaces (HDM). In the spiritual traditions of humanity there are a wide variety of methods for harmonization and strengthening space. For this purpose, both spiritual practices and various technologies for using natural energy flows, such as Feng Shui, are used. However, if the man's mental states fluctuate, the matrix cannot be formed into a stable holistic structure capable of transforming space. To create a place of force, constant conscious concentration is required at the highest human mental states, which would be imprinted in the information matrix of space.

Kamitama is an energy information crystal.

It is created by a person with a certain goal. Such a goal can be the healing of space, filling it with the energies of love, good luck, harmony, etc. (Every place of force has some definite power. This is determined by the quality that is captured in its matrix. It is also a matrix that is maintained in the kamitam, which is most of all a person).

But the creation of a crystal man concentrates its best experience of a certain quality. This concentrated experience forms an energy-informational structure that has a mental, thin and energy body. Then this energy information crystal is placed in the physical body - a hollow polyhedron. Inside such a polyhedron created by the canons of the ancient Japanese techniques for the transformation of matter given by the person, the information matrix is ​​protected from both external influences and from human mental points.

? Constantly broadcasts in it in it in the external space, harmonizing and structuring it, having worriedly affect the subtle bodies of all its inhabitants, resonantly enhancing their highest conditions. And also, like a magnet, the kamitam attracts the energy necessary to implement the ideas attached to it. The more powerful kamitam, the greater the radius of action it has.

Creating your place

Can I independently create an energy information crystal that will turn your home into place of force? For example, in your house there is not enough love (by the same principle you can work with any other task). You are lending to create a love space, your place of force that will help all its inhabitants to learn to love and show love to each other.

To do this, you will need to concentrate your best experience of love ever received by you. Go to the creation of a crystal, like a mystery: make a wet cleaning, take a shower, turn on pleasant music, you can freeze the candles or incense. Your work will take about an hour. For immersion in the process you need a calm situation.

1. Creating a crystal energy body. Energy practice.

To create a crystal energy body, you need to activate your energy streams. For this, any energy exercises will be suitable. You can perform a familiar zigong complex -

1. Aiketiji 18 forms

2. Surya-Namaskar.

or yogic sequence

The main thing is to activate energy flows in your body.

Here, for example, the simplest exercise from qigong.

  • Stand right, relax, smoothly raise your stomach and free yourself from extraneous thoughts.
  • Tilt the housing ahead and lower the relaxed hands down.
  • Smoothly delay your breath.
  • Imagine how the stream of energy rises along the spine from the tailbone to the top.
  • Slowly straighten the housing, raising your hands (without bending them in the elbows) in front of you.
  • Lock your hands above your head, inhale inhale your nose and imagine that you keep the ball size with the full moon. Keep it with large and index fingers of both hands.
  • Continue to fake, putting hands back for your head.
  • Then stand straight, lower your arms through the sides, while making a smooth breath outlet.
  • Imagine a descending stream of energy from the head along the body, flowing to the fingertips of the fingers and legs.
  • Imagine that the flow of internal energy takes all the unnecessary: ​​negative emotions, diseases, etc. Dirt leaves you and goes to the ground through the feet.
  • At the same time, vital energy fills every cell of your body health, force, youth.
  • This exercise ends. Repeat it 10-20 times.

After that, collect your hands the energy around you, to the ball. To do this, divert the hands and begin to bring them closer, sealing energy between palms, concentrating it into the spring sphere. This is the energy body of the crystal. Now you can comfortably sit down and holding hands with an energy ball on the knees, continue to work.

2. Creating a thin body crystal. Meditation-accommodation.

To create a thin body of the crystal, you need to feel (do not think, namely you feel!) Love. Remember your experience of love, the brightest "accommodation" (it can be the first love, feeling towards the child, to parents, for anything) - and live them again, fill your heart them ... After you feel the expansion in the chest, filling the light Love, Sprog this love for everything that surrounds you today: On your loved ones, relatives, colleagues, your home, your life.

Direct your high accommodation in the energy ball, which is in your hands, - the energy of your feelings will form a thin crystal body.

3. Creating a mental body crystal. Meditation-reflection.

To create a mental crystal body, you need to think well over the essence of love. How should she manifest in life and your relationship with people, with peace, with loved ones? If you come to mind specific life situations from the past, try to introduce yourself to the embodiment of love, the creature of light, God or goddess - in general, who you are more convenient and clearer. Now look at these situations from the new side: how can they be resolved from the point of view of love? Look at your everyday life, on the quality of your mental states. Look at your new states filled with love. Look at how your life is transformed in the light of love.

Send all the mental energy into the ball in your hands - this is how the mental body of the crystal is formed.

4. Creating a physical crystal body. Incarnation.

Your energy information crystal is ready. Now he needs to give a physical body. Ideally, this structure creates a polyhedron according to the laws of sacred geometry. But you can do otherwise: prepare a pre-a-closed, spherical form that you choose as a body for your crystal. The moment has come for incarnation (embodiment). Energetic ball place in the right hand, and physical - in the left. With the words "From now on, my house is a space of love!" Connect hands and visualize how the energy and physical ball merge into one.

Kamitama (神玉) is a protective matrix of space for power. 6839_2

Congratulations on your celebration of your crystal!

Remember that the crystal you created is alive. In order to accumulate its continuous development, share with it the new experienced love experience. Crystal is your assistant, but most importantly is your spiritual work. Only from a person depends on which space he creates: either creates its individual place of force, or the "geopathic zone". Good luck to you in the transformation of your being!

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