Belgorod's submarine prepare for the first exit to the sea with Poseidon drones


According to the media, it was the submarine "Belgorod" will be the first carrier of the nuclear torpedo "Poseidon".

The nuclear submarine of a special purpose (APL) "Belgorod" of the project 09852, which is the longest submarine in the world, is preparing for the first exit to the sea. This is reported to "Izvestia" with reference to the source in the defense department of Russia.

Belgorod's submarine prepare for the first exit to the sea with Poseidon drones 6804_1

"Although the APL was officially laid after the collapse of the Soviet Union, July 24, 1992, in fact, its construction began earlier. That is why Belgorod can be considered the last submarine of the left superpowder, "

Belgorod's submarine prepare for the first exit to the sea with Poseidon drones 6804_2

In 1997, the construction of the ship was stopped due to the severe economic situation in the country. Only in 2012, work on the boat was continued, but now the construction was carried out on a new project 09852. In the spring of 2019, the boat was brought out of Helling, and the ship's transfer of the fleet is scheduled for the current year. According to the media, the Belgorod submarine will become the first carrier of Poshödon nuclear torpedo. It is this weapon is intended to apply a response nuclear strike on major enemy industrial centers. It is alleged that, in addition to the striking factors of the nuclear explosion, the punch of Poseidon is capable of calling tsunami. The Western media, in particular the edition of Forbes, has repeatedly writtle that Poseidonov's submarines "Poseidonov" APL "Khabarovsk" and Belgorod are the most supreme projects among Russian submarines.

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The source of the newspaper "Izvestia" reported that at the moment Belgorod's submarine has a high degree of readiness.

"Preliminary tests of nodes and mechanisms showed their health and technical reliability,"

The length of "Belgorod" is 184 meters, which is 12 meters more than the length of the American underwater cruiser class Ohio. It is reported that the submarine will be used as a carrier of a wide range of various underwater devices and robots. In particular, there are unconfirmed information that Belgorod's APL, in addition to Poseidon, can receive an autonomous unmanned apparatus "Clavsine-2r-PM" and atomic deep-sea stations.

Earlier in Germany recognized that the possibilities of submarine Navy of Russia are very disturbed by the West.

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