"Circle water." What does the Yacchenky reservoir embankment look like today


As we have previously reported, the active melting of snow led to the fact that the Embankment of the Jacansky reservoir turned out to be flooded. According to Dmitry Denisov's urban head, on March 22, Kalugasatodore staff worked there and cleaned the lavender so that the water could leave the road and pedestrian parts.

Today, March 24, the correspondent of "KN" went on the embankment to see how things were doing on this urban object.

Problems begin on the approaches. As we have already told in our photo report, a staircase leading to the embankment, it is almost impossible to take advantage of it, unless you have special equipment. Unfortunately, our correspondent was not, so I had to look for another way.

At the site, the so-called "helicopter", the technique has been seen, the tractors were noticed, although it was there that now it is almost nothing to clear, the sun dried the puddles and began to move quite comfortably, however, it only concerns the small part of the embankment.

Where there is a staircase leading to the museum of cosmonautics, frank dirt begins. A lot of water, water flows down, on the pedestrian part. In the Yacchenky reservoir today there are many people moving on ice, put tents, fish.

By the way, work is underway on the stairs. Our correspondent noticed there frame structures, the workers will sink, in general, work boils.

But back to the water and landlines. Water if it goes, it is clearly reluctant. To be honest, if you move away and go through the museum, then at every step they bump into some "surprises": that is the absence of a piece of asphalt, then the ribs on the sides of the road. One of the collaps is located next to the grille, and water flows straight down, and not there, where he thought.

During the walk, Livnevka was discovered. Yes, she cleared, but water, for some reason, does not leave. Perhaps the case is not in such a smooth coverage of the road?

In the middle of the roadway stretched a puddle. True, just a puddle to call it even uncomfortable, the kind of "mini-lake". We measured the depth of puddles - the legs are drowning, the water in it is slightly smaller than the ankle. Kaluzhan this puddle is circled straight on the sidewalk.

And everywhere liquid dirt, clay, streams. Against the background there is a construction, which also does not add aesthetics. By the way, so far the updated Museum of Cosmonautics, his second turn, hesitates very contrasts with a broken slope. We hope so it will not always.

Summarizing everything that was said earlier, it can be concluded that the embankment can not boast the status of the "place of attraction of Kaluzhan". We hope soon the situation will change.

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