In Lida, the girl cleaned the apartment after a party: he threw out a bottle from the window from vodka, and a three-liter jar was pleased with a parked car


On that day, the spouses went to the furniture salon-store to pay installments for the purchase. Having stopped the engine, the husband went to make a fee, and his wife decided to wait for him in the car. Suddenly silence broke the sound of a beating about the asphalt glass.

In Lida, the girl cleaned the apartment after a party: he threw out a bottle from the window from vodka, and a three-liter jar was pleased with a parked car 6784_1

The woman raised his head and saw that bottles fly from height. I realized that someone continues the "bombing" street with glass products. After all, when the spouses arrived at the destination, they saw the broken glass broken, so they decided to park their "Volkswagen" several on the side of the residential building, and not under the most windows, where there was a free parking place. And nevertheless, the car fell into dangerous action zone, tells

Suddenly the remnants of coffee fell on the roof of the car. Woman wanted to get out of the cabin to see what, in the end, happening. He opened the door, tried to take a step into the street, and then the coffee thickness was thrown on top to her. The hostess of the car was back to the salon and the next moment shuddered from the blow, which followed in the windshield "Volkswagen". Glass car cracked. And the glass jar, having fallen from above, rolled down the hood with the roar, falling, hung the wing. The woman in the excitement jumped out of the car. Nevdralex saw a passerby. He showed participation and said: "I saw, from which window the bank flew on the car. Ready to show. " The hostess of the car rang her husband's mobile phone, told about what happened. Spouse in a huge order scored number 102.

The witness of what happened himself survived unpleasant moments. Together with the kid, he left the entrance and headed towards the store. At this time, a blank bottle of vodka "Sadovka" fell on ten meters from it on the asphalt and immediately scattered into fragments. The man raised his head up, looked at the house and saw that the open window had a girl on the 9th floor. Was shouted: "What are you doing?" However, the voice drove the sound of the second incident bottle. Then the young feature, without thinking about who and what is at the bottom, he dried his hand out of the window with a 3-liter bank and threw her closer to the corner of the house. The bottle was pleased with Volkswagen.

When police officers came to Alexander (the name was changed), she, innocently having fun, began to say that, they say, he knows nothing. However, then admitted: Yes, it thus cleaned the apartment after yesterday's party. Soon all previous events were restored.

Three uniforms of vocationally and technical lyceum in the evening went to the disco, but they stayed there a little more than two hours. Unlike Alexandra, her girlfriends live in a hostel, so they were afraid to be late for the evening check. Nevertheless, the company did not refuse the idea to continue the fun. We agreed that, as soon as everything subsides, the girls are imperceptibly imagined on the street, where Alexander will pick them up on a taxi, and they will all go to the hut. It was assumed that the guys were tightened there, with whom the girls met this evening at a disco. The hostess parties were Alexander. The family in which the girl is raised, as a large-fashioned, has two apartments in the same house, and one of the apartments at that time was empty. Alexandra persuaded his father to allow her to spend the night with her girlfriends in this housing, of course, without mentioning at the same time, it is planned to use alcohol on the night dusovka. Father, not found in the request of his daughter's nothing galloping, allowed the daughter to drive time with one-lineups.

Everything went on the harvested scenario. Young people "Tusyli". Those who wished could drink: alcohol stood on the table. The participants in the party in the same apartment have joined. True, Alexander warned that the company should behave quietly, turn off the light and, if that, to highlight with flashlights from the phone, otherwise it can burn with the check of the father, and then it will fly by first number.

In the morning Alexander came home (in the apartment where he lives with his family) and brought a 3-liter jar of compote, as well as in a 3-liter jar cooked coffee. In one of the bottles that stood on the table, the remains of alcohol were preserved. Breakfasting in this way, the guys left, and the girlfriends began to clean the apartment together with Alexandra.

- We have been put up, but empty bottles and bank remained in the apartment. I decided to throw them out into the street, as I was afraid that my father would see that we used alcohol and that I took the compote from home. I opened the window in the room and quickly threw out two empty glass bottles from vodka into the street. Also threw the jar from under the compote. Where I threw, did not look. Ensured, they will fall on Earth, and that's it. At that time I did not think what I was doing. Now I understand that it is impossible to do so, "Alexander said in his testimony.

The court of Lida district acknowledged Alexander the guilty of intentional actions, roughly violating the public order, expressing obvious disrespect for society accompanied by damage to someone else's property (hooliganism).

When prescribing the punishment of the accused, the nature and degree of public danger committed by her act, the personality of the guilty, motifs and goals of the deed was taken into account. The circumstance as aggravating the responsibility of the accused was recognized as a crime into a state of alcohol intoxication, and softening responsibility is its comprehensive repentance in a committed crime and voluntary refund of damage caused by a crime.

Based on Part 1 Art. 339 of the Criminal Code Aleksandra appointed a sentence in the form of public works for a ninety hours.

Overhead of the troubles fell on the head of Alexandra, like empty bottles and cans from the window of the apartment. And here I must say that, stuck, entering into an adult life, the main thing is to realize how you will go further along the life path. And in this, there is confidence, Alexandra will help adults who surround it.

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