Battle for tariff

Battle for tariff 6780_1

Tariffs for housing and communal services in the Novosibirsk region this year will increase within 4.6%. At the same time, the growth of the most expensive tariff - to heat - it will be almost half smaller. The regional tariff regulator in court managed to prove an excessive tariff indexing in 2019. In the queue, the next tariff battle - with a sudden and sharp increase in the cost of services of the garbage operator. Tariff wars discussed at the meeting of the Committee of Schools of the Novosibirsk Region for Construction, Housing and Communal Complex and Tariffs.

The head of the Tariffs Department of the Novosibirsk Region Gare Asmodyarov acted as a report before parliamentarians. According to him, electricity tariffs for residents of the cities of the region will grow from the current 2.8 rubles to 2.93 rubles per kW / h. In the villages, the tariff will rise from 2.24 rubles to 2.34 rubles per kW / h.

In cold water supply, on average, the growth rate of tariffs will be 4.37%, hot water supply - 3.36%, water supply - 4.66%. The limit of a single tariff for the service for referenceing solid communal waste for 2021 is set with an increase of 4.6%.

The growth of all tariffs for housing and communal services will occur on July 1, 2021. In the first half of the year, the rates will not change.

Recalculate for heat

Separately, at the request of the deputies, the tariff for the heat, which this year increases (also from July 1) to 1505, 98 rubles per gigacalria this year. Now the tariff is 1467.82 rubles. Those. Heat will rise in price less than 2.6%. And this is the result of victory in the court of the tariff regulator. As Asmodyarov explained, the heat supply organization has already received unnecessary payments from consumers by increasing tariffs in 2019.

"The amount of 202 million 154 thousand rubles as an unreasonable income is seized by the Department in the formation of the planned required gross revenue" SIBEKO "for 2021. As a result, the growth of the tariff for thermal energy from July 1, 2021 amounted to 2.6%, "he told.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the Vadim Ageenko Committee, a smaller growth of the tariff for heat is in some way compensation of funds that citizens and organizations overpaid earlier.

Deputies also discussed the question - as the Novosibirsk region looks against the background of other regions. Chairman of the Committee Alexander Morozov is confident that people compare the state of affairs in their region and the neighbors. "In any case, this is the key political component of the sentiment of the whole society. Any meeting in the district for each deputies ends with questions about the tariffs, "he notes.

According to Vadim Ageenko, "we have one of the lowest tariffs for heating, if we take the cost of gigakloria in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from the Urals to the Far East - the cost of gigaklorine can be higher by 20-30%." "On cold water we have fares are not very big. By electricity - medium, "the deputy told.

Courts continue

The most loud problem in the area of ​​tariff regulation of housing and utilities in the Novosibirsk region today remains the activities of the trash operator Ecology-Novosibirsk LLC, which in two years of the reform of the sphere of turnover of TKO, as Vadim Ageenko noticed, learned only to collect money from citizens and organizations. But the reform itself in terms of the construction of modern polygons, container sites, sorting and recycling, etc. Moves extremely slow.

Solidarity with colleague and other members of the Committee. "From the first day of work," Ecology-Novosibirsk "had big appetites, and there were no qualitative work, we all understand. Every year before the New Year, we see again the mountains of garbage. I would not increase the tariff for the export of TKO, until legal proceedings are completed, "Ashot Rafalayan said.

The Tariff Department challenged the growth of the "trash" tariff in court, which with the consent of FAS increased by 39% from November 1, 2020.

As the first vice-speaker of the sembition speaker, Andrei Polesov, at all his meetings with voters, the first question always concerns garbage. He suggested that the Department of Tariffs and the Ministry of Hospitations and the Ministry of LCD in detail and scrupulously bring information to the population, as far as tariffs increase.

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