Orthodox believers began the great post

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We tell how to eat right during the longest post.

Orthodox Christians today, March 15, began a great post. It is also one of the longest posts, as it starts immediately after the carnival and lasts for seven weeks, ending in the eve of Easter.

In connection with the beginning of the post, the church believers remind that the post is not a diet when a person follows meal to bring his body into shape. His main goal is to prove the power of his faith, check out for the resistance of moral obstacles and approach Askey, which Orthodoxy preachs.

It is important to emphasize that the requirements within this month are distributed both on the spiritual and physical sphere of life. During the post, a person must reach a new level with soul and body.

As for the diet, it is not necessary to think so much. The approximate menu is available in a special Calendar of the Great Post. By the way, the menu is very accurately calculated to contribute to the spring excavation from the body of the toxins accumulated in the winter. And also, if you properly observe the post, it will also have a rejuvenating effect.

How to eat in the Great Post: Brief Rules

First of all, it is important to know that any animal products for the entire period of the great post is prohibited. The most stringent days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These days you can eat only in the evening - for dinner. In this case, the food must be cold and without vegetable oil. On Tuesdays, only one meal is allowed - dinner, but warm.

On Saturday and Sunday, you can relax a little - to eat twice a day with vegetable oil. According to special days, natural red wine is allowed.

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However, to stay healthy, you need to eat diverse. Ideal - vegetables and fruits, dishes for a couple and boiled. But salted, roasted and sweet to Easter should be banned. In addition to vegetables and fruits, the menu it is recommended to include cereals and cereals (exclusively on water and without oil). For the supply of proteins in the body, legumes, peanuts and mushrooms are perfect. The bread is allowed only black, you can buy dry loaf for diet food.

It is also important to remember that the portion should be small. It is better to eat slowly, carefully chewing food, then the feeling of satiety will come during meals.

Menu on the most stringent two weeks (weeks)

The first and last week of fasting is especially strict. This is so Fedorova Week or the first week (from March 15-21) and a passionate week (from April 26 to May 1).

Menu on Fedorov week:

Monday is only water, Tuesday - black bread and water, environment - raw products without treatment (vegetables and fruits), Thursday - only water, friday - raw products without processing, Saturday - Warm dishes with vegetable oil.

Menu on a passion week:

Monday - Dishes without heat treatment, Tuesday - Warm dishes without oil, Wednesday - Raw fruits and vegetables, Thursday - hot lean dishes without butter, Friday - only water, Saturday - Warm dishes with vegetable oil, Sunday - nothing, after service - Any food.

You can eat in the rest of five weeks as follows: Monday - raw products without heat treatment, Tuesday - Warm dishes without oil, Wednesday - Raw fruits and vegetables, Thursday - Hot Lachy Dishes without Oil, Friday - Raw Fruits and Vegetables, Saturday - Warm Floral oil dishes.

But, you need to remember that on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, it is allowed to eat only in the evening - for dinner. On Sunday days (March 28, April 11 and 18) a glass of red natural wine is allowed.

Who can not keep a strict post?

Please note that children, pregnant women, patients and engaged in severe physical work, adhere to such nutrition during the Great Post. They are recommended to consult about their nutrition in the church.

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