In the northern hemisphere predicted almost semi-annual summer by the beginning of the XXII century


Anomalous heat and frequent fires should be expected

In the northern hemisphere predicted almost semi-annual summer by the beginning of the XXII century 6775_1

According to a study published in the scientific journal "Geophysical Research Letters", by 2100 the duration of summer in the northern hemisphere will reach about six months. According to scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, such a shift will lead to disastrous consequences. According to Jupina Guan, the physical oceanographer, in the middle of the last century four years of year were replaced by a predictable and rather uniform scheme. What she was broken is seen now.

In the northern hemisphere predicted almost semi-annual summer by the beginning of the XXII century 6775_2

The authors of scientific work relied on daily climatic data presented from 1952 to 2011 to track the offensive and duration of four seasons in the northern hemisphere. After analyzing this information, the specialists concluded that during this period the summer increased by an average of 78 to 95 days, and the duration of winter was reduced by three days - from 76 to 73. Spring also became shorter - from 124s to 115 days, and autumn - from 87s to 82 days. It is reported that the greatest changes occurred in the Tibetan Highlands and the Mediterranean region.

In the northern hemisphere predicted almost semi-annual summer by the beginning of the XXII century 6775_3

According to scientists, if this dynamic will continue, by the end of the twentieth century winter will last no more than two months, the spring and autumn seasons will be significantly reduced. Specialists clarified that such changes cause "considerable risks to the environment and health."

For example, birds change the nature of migration, planting and fruiting periods are disturbed in plants. Such phenological changes create a discrepancy between animals and their food sources, disrupting the ecosystem. - Jupin Guan, physical oceanographer.

In the northern hemisphere predicted almost semi-annual summer by the beginning of the XXII century 6775_4

According to scientists, climatic changes may cause significant damage to agriculture. He clarified that with prolonged summer, people will be more exposed to allergens. Also expand the habitat of insects, which are carriers of various diseases. According to Zung Zhu, a climatologist from the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, a season shift can lead to catastrophic natural disasters. So, shorter winter may result in frequent storms, and in the summer an abnormal heat and frequent fires should be expected. We will remind, earlier, the "Central News Service" wrote that scientists told about the "fast" and "slow" metabolism.

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