Scientists told about the unexpected benefits of slow "fatty" for a person


Scientists told about the unexpected benefits of slow

An international team of scientists conducted a study during which he studied the dependence of the life expectancy of people from the dynamics of changes in the mass of their body. It turned out that the ability of a person slowly thick over the years contributes to an increase in the life of the life path.

In the process of study, scientists representing the University of Ohio Michigan University (both United States) and the Institute of Demography Society Max Planck (Germany) conducted an analysis of the diseases of the disease of a large group of people in which more than 4500 adults and more than 3,700 children entered.

The general temporary period of medical information exceeded half a century and covered 1948-2014. At the same time, the analysis estimated two generations at once the age of representatives of which was 31 to 80 years. The main criterion for estimates at the same time was the body mass index allowing the need to distinguish the presence of conventional overweight from obesity being a serious illness. The purpose of the study was to identify the correlation of the life expectancy of people with the dynamics of weight change in time. As a result, the result of the analysis showed that the individuals became longer the individuals became adults with a normal mass of the body, but some overweight was gained to the old age, but it was not accustomed to the stage of obesity.

It is noteworthy that the "second" under the life expectancy turned out to be the investigated by the normal weight throughout the life of the life path, and for them, on the mentioned indicator, they were "visa" with small stable deviations from the "normal" BMI: having a permanent overweight or opposite the normal mass Bodies on the lower boundary of the norm - that is, thin but without pathology. Several less representatives of the aforementioned category of the population lived people who begin to adulthood with the presence of excess weight but lost to old age. Finally, those who achieved obesity indicators have been experiencing the greatest problems with the lasting life of life for 31 years in the future only aggravated. It is noted that, when analyzing, experts took into account a large number of different concomitant factors capable of affecting a life term in the form of sex of social status of hazardous habits, etc.

Summarizing research scientists informed that while they are not able to substantiate the mechanism of such dynamics. However, the results of scientific work unambiguously confirm the earlier observations of the same research group. In particular, in 2013, experts were revealed that the presence of a small excess weight in a half-century age can practically guarantee him for almost two dozen years of life, provided that there is no lack of further prerequisites for obesity. The results of the study were published in the foreign edition Annals of Epidemiology.

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