Morning Digest KN: Spicy Details of the 2019 Road Scandal, Hurricane in Kaluga and two trips to China for accepting Kaluga roads

Morning Digest KN: Spicy Details of the 2019 Road Scandal, Hurricane in Kaluga and two trips to China for accepting Kaluga roads 6769_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

In Kaluga, the 2019 road scandal has increased spicy details

The scandal with Kaluga roads, dated 2019, is still exciting not only the minds of the inhabitants, but also law enforcement agencies. SU SK of Russia in the Kaluga region is investigated by a criminal case on the situation with acceptance of roads. This was from its own sources known to Kaluga news. In particular, the head of the quality control department of GKU "Kalugadorzakazchik" Ilya Smirnov, whose duties of which include this activity, is suspected of obtaining a bribe. We wrote about this on the eve.

Hurricane comes at Kaluga

Early in the morning, the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations warned Kaluzhan about the next impossible bad weather. The region was expected to the winds of the wind 13-18 m / s, on the roads of the Hollyantic places.

Kaluzhan was asked to not leave without an extreme need for their homes, while being attentive and careful on the street.

In Kaluga, the reception of roads were provided for two trips to China

Continuing and details of a loud road scandal. On the eve of the "Kaluga news" it became known about the investigation of the criminal case on the situation with the acceptance of roads.

In the year before last, between GKU "Kalugadorzakazchik" and the company "New Construction Technologies", whose activities are associated with the family of Geghamians known in Kaluga, contractual obligations were concluded for the repair of roads in the area. In total, the amount of the contract amounted to more than 900 million rubles.

In the same year, Ilya Smirnov, according to the investigators, received a bribe from one of Geghamians in the form of two tourist trips to China. A measure of preventive for the civil service is not yet officially reported. Official comments from the investigative committee did not show.

In the Kaluga Ghorovernment reported to the cleaning of yards

"Cleaning from the house territories in Kaluga is produced poorly, and in some places it is not done at all" - such a statement appeared on the official website of the city council of Kaluga.

In response to the claims on the quality of cleaning of the house territories, some representatives of the Criminal Code explained that the cleaning of the streets was not included in the tariff, and some referred to motorists that they ignore the requests to temporarily respond their cars.

According to the official website of the Harontowa, several Criminal Code have already sent the requirements to make cleaning, which they need to urgently meet and transfer information about the work carried out in the Collotter. Otherwise, the Criminal Code will be attracted to administrative responsibility.

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