Frequent issues and errors arising from Clematis Growing


    Good afternoon, my reader. Not all daches first turn out to grow a beautiful multi-year Lian - Clematis. In the cultivation process there are many questions accompanied by errors in care. Meanwhile, it is enough to assimilate some important moments that the plant develops correctly and pleased with riot blossoms.

    Frequent issues and errors arising from Clematis Growing 6740_1
    Frequent issues and errors arising from the cultivation of skin clematis

    Clematis (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Clematis, which is sometimes called "Lomonos", planted in a convenient time for gardener. Some daches do this even in the summer. At the same time, the plant must necessarily have a closed root system. Typically, nurseries are precisely in this form implement their products.

    Frequent issues and errors arising from Clematis Growing 6740_2
    Frequent issues and errors arising from the cultivation of skin clematis

    Clematis on the support (photo used according to a standard license ©

    If the seedlings are purchased in the natural markets, the roots of the Liana can be naked. In this case, the curly perennial after landing should be contacted from the Sun until it is finally rooted.

    For long-term Liana, it is best to immediately choose a permanent place. However, it happens that the plant for any reason must be transplanted. Then it is better to do it in late April - early May, when the Earth will begin to warm up. Another time to transplant is the end of summer. The plant must come in a new place before the onset of cold weather.

    Frequent issues and errors arising from Clematis Growing 6740_3
    Frequent issues and errors arising from the cultivation of skin clematis

    Bright Clematis (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    A week before the transplant of Lomonos Kush stop watering. The plant is extracted from the ground with an earthen room. In a new place, Lian is planted, placing the root system well. Falling asleep holes form a small hollyk.

    At the same time, before the start of the procedure, the bush should be carefully examined. Too long or damaged roots should be trimmed. When transplanting can be divided by adult Clematis into several deteen, each of which will be 4-6 well-developed shoots.

    Drafting lianas prefer well-lit sections well and protected from wind. In this case, the soil should be lightweight, fertile with a neutral reaction. Clematis do not wear moisture stagnation, so the landing pit must be equipped with a drainage system.

    Frequent issues and errors arising from Clematis Growing 6740_4
    Frequent issues and errors arising from the cultivation of skin clematis

    Clematis Care (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    In a temperate climate, the plant is watered 1 time per week. In the summer, heat frequency of this procedure can be enlarged. After irrigation, the soil is loosened with the simultaneous removal of weeds.

    From the second year of life, Lomonos is twice a month feed the fertilizers, alternating the organic and mineral complexes. In hot weather to save moisture in the ground, you can use mulching with a compost or humus.

    The Lians of the first year of vegetation at the end of the season are cut into almost the root, leaving 1-2 kidney on shoots. Thanks to this procedure, the plant will safely pumply, and next year new stems are formed on the bushes.

    In subsequent years, the intensity of the haircut depends on the variety of culture. All Lomonos are divided into 3 main groups by trimming. On each variety, only those shoots on which buds are formed are left. At the same time, the plant is subjected to a sanitary haircut, when patients and damaged stems are necessarily removed.

    Cropped Lians 2-3 weeks before the cold weather are treated with fungicidal preparations to reduce the risk of infection with fungal infections. The base of the bush is dipped with a humus (low peat, compost). It will protect the roots from severe frosts and relieve the waist of the Water.

    In the regions with severe winters, spruce paws or twig are placed on top of mulch, which can be topped with agrofluoride. The main thing is that the improvised skeleton for shelter is durable and prevented the roots to breathe.

    Clematis - one of the most beautiful Garden Lian. Time and effort spent on a plant care are necessarily rewarded with violent blossoms.

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