Lithuanian President criticized Miztrav for the refusal of the Vaccine Astrazeneca

Lithuanian President criticized Miztrav for the refusal of the Vaccine Astrazeneca 6735_1

Lithuanian president of Lithuanian Gitanas housing spoke with a sharp criticism against the head of the Ministry of Health of the country of Arunas Dulkis, who suspended vaccination with Astrazeneca. The President believes that this decision will cause a huge damage imagine not only of this vaccine, but also the entire vaccination campaign in Lithuania.

"The decision of the Minister of Health to temporarily stop vaccination with Astrazeneca, undoubtedly inflicted a blow to the reliability of this drug in the eyes of Lithuania," said housing. - The inconsistent communication of the Ministry of Health under the Vaccine Astrazeneca may increase the disinformation wave, both in relation to this manufacturer and in relation to the vaccination program. "

According to hides, the abolition of vaccination contradicts the position of the Lithuanian authorities that sounded earlier, as well as the opinion of the European Medicine Agency and the World Health Organization. Lithuanian President expressed the hope that "the decision of the Ministry of Health was not accepted on the basis of political motives, with clear and specific evidence argued by the findings of specialists who will be presented to experts and society."

Change view

Astrazeneca Dulcis reported on its decision on March 16, on the basis of "Recommendations of the State Medication Control Service, in which the service, like other EU departments, recommends that Astrazeneca vaccination" be stopped to stop the vaccination of thrombosis in some of those who visited the occurrence of thrombosis.

However, a few hours before the adoption of this decision, Dulkis declared that I was convinced of the full security of Astrazeneca. "I personally give Astrazeneca, definitely not a different vaccine to dispel fears," he said, speaking in parliament. "Not everything is so simple with Astrazeneca, a lot of international news, but at the moment, at this time I definitely have no information that I would like to stop the vaccination process with this vaccination."

What exactly forced the Minister to change the views, it is not clear. Be that as it may, Astrazeneca still continues to be embedded by Astrazeneca. Medical officials of the country are coolly indicated that the evidence of the danger of the vaccine is still no, while the increase in incidence of coronavirus in the republic does not allow to abandon vaccination plans.

However, even Estonia Astrazeneca vaccine is missing. The previously launched vaccination of the highest officials of the republic is interrupted and will resume only with new supplies of the drug. Against the background of growing problems with the supply of Vaccines Astrazeneca to the European Union of Latvia, along with Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, called on the EU Emergency Summit because of their opinion, the unfair distribution of vaccines between the community countries.

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