The reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves in potatoes in June and July


    Good afternoon, my reader. Potatoes are often subjected to diseases that can be recognized by different features. These include the yellow leaves, which may indicate a number of problems with your plants.

    The reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves in potatoes in June and July 6733_1
    Causes of the appearance of yellow leaves in potatoes in June and July Maria Verbilkova

    In order not to lose the harvest of potatoes and take care of the health of the bushes, it is necessary to promptly recognize the signs of disease and take a number of necessary measures. Read more about this in this article.

    Often, the leaves of potatoes begin to turn yellow in June. In this case, the yellowness appears at the bottom of the bush at the bottom, and then it extends to the entire plant. Most often, such a problem occurs due to lack of oxygen and moisture, which do not reach the roots of potatoes.

    However, abundant rains and timely irrigation do not always contribute to the elimination of the problem, since due to the overaffect of moisture, the upper layer of the soil is covered with a crust that prevents air penetration. Therefore, it is important not only to water, but also to dip the bushes and loosen the soil.

    If you have missed the beginning of the yellowing of the leaves and did not take appropriate measures, the bushes may develop a verticile wilment. This disease is striking even young plants, as a result of which the leaves begin to twist and disappear. The cause of verticillase is soil mushroom, which perfectly multiplies at a temperature of 18-23 degrees.

    Ways to combat verticillosis:

    • It is necessary to observe crop rotation on your site and alternate culture. Potatoes are undesirable to plant on the same place for 4 years.
    • Purchase only high-quality planting material. Often spore fungus are already present in the tubers before landing.
    • Infected plants need to be removed and burn.
    • Shoots are desirable to handle a mixture of copper mosquito at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water.
    • Also can be treated with copper chloroks in the calculation of 2 g per 1 sq. M. m.

    Another common disease, which is evidenced by yellow leaves is a fusarious fading. It is striking a bush on top and soon covers all the plant. The most favorable fuzarium is developing in cool and wet weather.

    The reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves in potatoes in June and July 6733_2
    Causes of the appearance of yellow leaves in potatoes in June and July Maria Verbilkova

    Ways to fight fusarium:

    • Use variety resistant (Pricocean Early, Children's School, Berlikhingen).
    • Processing tubers before planting "phytosporin", "integral" or "bastophyt".
    • If the disease has already been on your site, you should not land potatoes in the same place the next 3-4 years. You also need to regularly drag the land in the autumn and spring periods.

    Potato leaves can yellow and in July. At the same time, in addition to the yellowness, black dots may occur on them. All this indicates the defeat of the bushes in potato nematodes. The disease is caused by unicellular bacteria that feed on tubers and reduce yields by 60-80 percent.

    Methods of combating nematodes:

    • Together with potatoes, it is desirable to disembark velets, garlic, peas, cabbage, onion or meadow oatmeal;
    • Feel the urea land at the rate of 1 kg per hundred. It is best to dissolve urea with riming potato sprouts (1 kg) in 10 liters of water;
    • Also before planting, support the well 2-3 handful of rewinding cow manure or compost and one handful of wood ash;
    • Nicely proven infusion of chicken litter (1 part on 10 parts of water), which is shedding the Earth a week before landing.

    Methods of combating chlorose:

    • Pour the soil regularly and avoid driving;
    • Increase the acidity of ammonium sulfate or urea;
    • Exercise with sulfur manganese, which is prepared by dissolving 5-7 g on 10 liters of water;
    • Spray your shoots of iron vigor. The solution is prepared from 50 g of substance on 10 liters of water.

    Very often, the betes of potatoes are yellowing precisely the lower leaves, which in time begin to fall and twisted. This is a clear sign of the development of phytoofluorosis, a very dangerous disease, which is difficult to get rid of. In addition to the yellowness, the leaves are covered with brown formations from the inside, which is also a significant sign of this disease.

    All affected bushes need to immediately remove and burn, because the disease quickly moves to healthy plants.

    The reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves in potatoes in June and July 6733_3
    Causes of the appearance of yellow leaves in potatoes in June and July Maria Verbilkova

    Ways to combat phytoofluorosis:

    • Already at the rate of harvest, it is necessary to carefully examine all the tubers and reject patients and damaged. They must be burned to avoid spreading dispute;
    • You can plant varieties most resistant to the development of phytoofluorosis. Such varieties belong to the example: light, Nevsky, September, Verb and Arina;
    • After the appearance of the first piglets of young potatoes, it is possible to make plants with garlic mortar. For this, 200 g of garlic is passed through the meat grinder and add 1 liters of warm water. The mixture is incanded to exactly two days, after which it is filled and brought to the desired volume of 10 liters of water;
    • During the flowering period, it is possible to use the combination of copper at the rate of 40 g per 10 liters of water, or the drug "Datomin M-45" in the proportion of 20 g per 10 liters, or a good medication "Knoksat" (25 g per 10 l).

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