Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created


Walking on Spasskaya and see a beautiful building. In the second floor window, a large white ball is seen. This is a mechanical art object. It includes - and everything comes to move: the wheel is spinning, the airship waves the wings, and the nose of the ship in the form of a medieval mask is spinning around. Schelch. Begins a new circle of movement. So the doll theater them. A.N. Afanasyev has already been calling Kirovna for 85 years in a fabulous journey. On the international day of the puppeteer, the property found out where old dolls are sent, what performances are more like kirovchans and who is more important in the theater - the actor or artist.

Everything is designed to a millimeter

At the entrance we are welcomed by the press secretary of Yana. She holds us along the labyrinths of the building and admits to the workshop to the artist-constructor Alexander Fedorov. Seven years ago, he accidentally found himself in the theater and now works with mechanisms - makes the frame of the doll and "revives" it.

Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created 6730_1
Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created

- The artist brings a sketch and says his wishes. Then I begin to work to make a doll as much as possible. All technical capabilities are laid in it immediately, and the details are calculated to a millimeter, "is Alexander.

Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created 6730_2
Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created


Alexander's biggest doll did for the play "Cold Heart". To create Michel 2.4 meters high, the man spent about two months. The frame of the doll is made of wire and plywood, so Micah is pretty heavy.

- If I used other materials, then the dolls would only have one rehearsal. I did an almost terminator, "says Alexander.

According to the designer, most often the dolls are made of plywood and metal. Plastic is used less often because of the high price, although it is stronger and easier.

Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created 6730_3
Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created

While we are in the workshop, Alexander shows his developments of future dolls. He draws attention to the flat black dolls of the girl and cat and says:

- This is the theater of Shadows. My favorite, because it is hidden a lot of opportunities. In general, the design of the designer is very interesting. Every time everything is different, never happens. In any doll insert the soul, as you do.

Acquaintance with Doll

We climb the stairs and go into the grimary actors. We meet the Honored Artist of Russia the hope of Mazik and the hope of Strizhak, the actor Paul Stem.

In the corner of the grimer hangs dolls - the characters of the hopes of Masik: Morovkin and Focla Ivanovna. The last doll was made for the play "Marriage" by Gogol and the features of the face resembles an actress.

Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created 6730_4
Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created

- It happens that the artist specially makes dolls similar to actors, but this is already separate status. In general, the doll becomes like an actor when they start working with it, "says Nadezhda Andreyevna. - So Morovkin. Does he look at me? Same round. But it was not done specifically. We somehow came up with him, and he became like me.

The doll comes to the actor already in the finished form. At the first meeting, the artist meets her, picks up a voice, recognizes the mechanics: how the eyes work, mouth, hands. The actor does not participate in the creation of a doll, although in rare cases he can tell the artist some details, for example, change the hairstyle or add a headdress.

Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created 6730_5
Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created

Non-standard situations

Sometimes dolls break right during the performance. At the actor Paul Stem, such a case occurred on the "cold heart": in one of the scenes, the doll broke his hand and fell to the floor.

- Full view of the audience. Dolls are large, about the belt. And suddenly my character falls hand. Hall Ahaet! I'm all in sweat, "the actor says. - stand on the elevation, and raise the item is not possible. In this case, the actor can in no way stop and raise the left part.

There are exceptions. Paul Stems told the case from the play "Sunnyhes". In the production two snowmen - a boy and a girl - go hands. One pulls the other, and suddenly one of the dolls draw a hand with a rope. The actress took it and attached to the place. According to Paul, such a decision was justified in this performance, since according to the scenario, the actors stole them, so "creation could correct. Already behind the scenes, the hand was thrown onto the pin, and the production was drawn.

Do you retire dolls?

When the performance is removed from the repertoire, the most unusual dolls fall into the museum. Most characters are disassembled to the hypit (internal design - approx.) And are reused. The most complex mechanisms are made for co-dolls. According to the hope of the strister, they need endurance for them, since the whole performance has to keep the hand up and organically move the hero. The easiest way to play glove dolls, but their movements are wary.

Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created 6730_6
Out of time. Actors and designer designer of the Kirov theater of dolls about how the characters, new trends and the primacy of the artist are created

- Previously, there were only cohesive dolls and all the performances were walked on Shirma. Now it goes. The theater of dolls unites dramatic art, pantomime, movement, music. Now new trends: a lot of live plan appears in the performance. The actors are played themselves, and dolls go to the background, "says the actress.

In the Kirov viewer of the older generation, the traditional theater with shirma retains popularity. According to hope, the strzhank, grandmothers with grandchildren who come to the theater of dolls, want to see exactly the shirm performance. The world's modern children perceive the world. They lack patience if the actors tell the story for a long time. But despite the new trends, the main feature of the theater of dolls is the revival of a non-living object - will be out of time.

Photo: Sergey Zykov for Prikerovsky.RF

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