Kate Middleton in everyday image is seen at the memorial victim of crime in London

Kate Middleton in everyday image is seen at the memorial victim of crime in London 6712_1

The wife of Prince William visited Memorial Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old woman who was abducted and later killed in London. The 39-year-old Duchess Cambridge decided to lay flowers together with the hundreds of other residents of the capital of Great Britain, writes Joinfo.com, citing Express.

Informal output Kate Midllon

Like millions of Great British citizens, the Duchess Cambridge found out about the tragic case that occurred in London. Together with other residents of the capital, the wife of the future monarch visited the Sarah Everdard memorial to honor the memory of a young woman who was brutally deprived of the future.

But it was not an official exit, but a deep personal visit. Kate Middleton in the Khaki color jacket and black pants without employees and security came to the park, where the locals organized an improvised memorial. The monarch of the person laid a bouquet of Narcissus, which gathered in the Kensington Castle in the garden, a little stood along with other people and a quick step left the park.

Her visit could remain unnoticed, but one of the visitors of the Memorial noticed the Duchess of Cambridge and made a short video of her new exit. On frames published on the network, it is seen as a spouse of the British Prince standing with other people and looks at a large number of colors brought by local residents.

According to insiders, Kate Middleton wanted to apply a personal visit, because he remembers well, as herself walked along the night London before married to Prince William.

Royal Correspondent Roy Nikkha wrote on Twitter: "The Duchess Cambridge was in Claphame to express Sarah and her family in private ... Duchess felt that the story of Sarah Everard was touched by many people, and she wanted to show unity with them."

This exit was the second for Kate Middleton after a loud interview with Prince Harry and his spouse. Before that, the Duke and Duchess Cambridge visited the school. During this visit, Prince William even spoke out about one of the applications of the younger brother.

Main photo: Getty Images

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