As a woman to reach a new level of development of his life


In the spring, when the sun begins to warm again, a desire arises to upgrade, start all over again. Someone acquires a subscription to the sports club, someone - a new form for yoga. These women do everything right, because now the time of our heyday and setting new goals. Time when the forces wake up. And I want this energy to be directed to what the fruits will bring. We will understand how to do it. Approximately as I achieved a spring update for all fronts of my life.

I have long been occupied by the topic of self-development, female, including. I sincerely love this process and in parallel with the fact that I teach, I myself walk a course of financial coaching - to connect your spirituality in the field of spirituality with marketing and be able to transfer the knowledge and experience to more people.

But it was not always so. For a long time I could not understand what is stronger and what I do. I tried one thing, then another, but for a long time I could not stop anything. Because of this, felt defective. And so I wanted the direction to be totally mine! So that I developed all my life in it, combining spiritual progress and material wealth from work.

A lot of customers now comes to me with the same query: understand yourself and come to the lesson, which will make sense, joy and wealth. Personally, the incredited moments of the past were prevented personally on this path. I had a difficult childhood, a lot of injuries, I won my father early. I did not understand my strengths. I looked at closest from a children's position - I put the obligations on them, which they could not bear, spoke their responsibility on them. Many have such a running - with them it is difficult to understand yourself, see the truth, get rid of too much and start acting.

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Of the unfavorable repetitive scenarios, I was given an understanding that I no longer wish to live. I want to change everything right now. At first I studied psychology, tried different directions. Finally found a specialist - on the recommendation of a person who made the impression of a problem with the problems. With this specialist for a few months serious, deep work I gathered in a solid person. And from now on, my life is moving closely, I put yourself all the higher goals and quite easily reach them. So a psychologist is a very important stage in development.

I am engaged in coaching, received a diploma in Erickson University. These knowledge helps me personally - and I recommend them to everyone who has ambitious goals and wants to be ready for any turns in a changing world. Coaching allows you to integrate valuable techniques in your life: to systematize thinking, to understand their goals and ways to achieve them. With it, self-development can be turned into a hobby. And then start helping others so that they also achieve goals faster and easier.

I also talk a lot about meditation. Happiness that this practice is becoming increasingly popular. She is the magic tablet, which all secretly dream of. But many lack discipline (very in vain) to introduce it into their routine of the day. Some miracle I have been practicing for 13 years. I have become available to very powerful states, and I understand that it is regularity that gives such opportunities. In practice, I can fill the level of energy to the maximum, even if it did not sleep or sick. If you need to recommend something one thing, of course, meditation. It is one enough, with constant repetition, to bring life to a qualitatively new level.

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I will tell you what will be available to you at a high level of energy and in constant development. First, very powerful intuition. She, like a GPS navigator, will lead you in a selection situation for a better option, where you really need. You stop competing on the same rake. What will significantly save power, nerves and precious time.

Secondly, you will find the way to work dreams.

Thirdly, relationships with loved ones are leveled, there will be situations that bring you and your family pain. It turns out to return all sides of the proximity to the relationship. Or build new relationships from love and respect, already at another level. And it will not be necessary to collect, as often happens, a puzzle from different partners: when with one good as with a friend (and I don't want to lose it), and with another - like with a lover. This is a huge leap in development - when it is possible to connect contradictions, first of all in itself. After all, if you live in a state of separated by part, not completely satisfied personality, it is lost a lot of strength, the most valuable resource. A close man in this case is simply reflected in your inferiority. And if you understand yourself, get out of old scenarios, then a close person will reflect another position, more harmonious and attractive.

Therefore, the main recommendation of this spring is this - put the goal to become finally. A full-fledged free person, aware of themselves, their desires and needs. In every test, event, experience, look for what tells you about you. And how to make it so that you are truly good. See what you are responsible and what you can change. Explore yourself, life, your capabilities. Boldly recognize errors. Leave in the past what it's time to leave - for the sake of the well-being of the future.

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