16 curious facts about the cartoons and Disney characters that you most likely did not know


Disney gave us many magical moments, thanks to which we have repeatedly immersed in the atmosphere of good and joy. Despite the fact that in recent years, not everyone likes Disney's tendency to shoot films in their old cartoons, in its baggage there are enough sign painted paintings, among which everyone will find something. The FactBuffet's Twitter Account constantly publishes funny facts about different things, and in its huge collection there are facts and about Disney cartoons and characters. We have already shared a selection of 20 positive facts about different countries from this account, now Disney's turn came.

For Walt Disney, a special Oscar was made, which he received for the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

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Mulan was the first Disney princess that killed a man

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With each new version of the film "Spiderman" aunt Mei became all younger

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Here's what the monster looks like in the film "Beauty and the Beast" before adding computer graphics

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Pokalontas was the first Disney princess, who had a tattoo

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"Dear, I reduced the children", "Jumanji" and "Captain America: The first avenger" were removed by the same person

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"Who put the Rabbit Roger" was the first film in which Mickey Mouse and Bagz Bunny appeared on one screen

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In her first cartoon Mickey Mouse did not wear his branded white gloves

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In the original history, Pinocchio kills cricket with a hammer shortly after meeting him

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The creators of Tarzan went to Africa to learn more about the jungle and local animals

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Sheriff Woodi has a surname - Pride

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Actress, who plays Princess Jasmine in the new film "Aladdin", was not even born when the original cartoon "Aladdin" came out

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Aurora from the Disney cartoon "Sleeping Beauty" does not say a word after he woke up from sleep

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In the very first cartoon about Mickey Maus, 1928 "Mad aircraft" - Minnie his rejected

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"Cold Heart" was the first Disney cartoon that removed a woman

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In 2021 there will be 60 years from the date of the release of the cartoon "101 Dalmatian"

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Do not forget to also take a look at 12 times when Disney has changed its cartoons to display in different countries.

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