Who is guilty

Who is guilty 668_1

You are to blame for what I want to eat ...

There is a lot of what I do not want to convey to my child. It could be a whole heading with a lot of posts. For example, I do not want to convey the child to reflections about the one who is to blame for problems. I want a daughter to do not know these conversations at all about who is to blame, did not know about these nasty words "myself is to blame."

I want to face a problem, my daughter did not think who was to blame for her, but immediately thought how to solve it. So that the question does not sound "Who is to blame?", And "because of what happened so and what to do to not happen again?"

And I generally do not understand what the benefits of these clarifications. And this is clearly some kind of inherited story of my loved ones. And how to treat it, I do not know.

Because I do not see any logic in these clarifications. What is the benefit of what we find out who is to blame? We must consider what can be guilty to do anyone. Yes, yes, any situation can be turned so that the one who you want to blame will be guilty to blame "you want to eat ..."

And for what? What is it for? So honestly admit yourself?

What does this knowledge give "to blame"?

Once myself is to blame, it means that you can not help? Do not regret? So you are well done, are you not guilty, unlike others? If someone else is to blame, you can remove responsibility and not worry that something did not?

Although probably there are situations when to know who is to blame, will help solve them faster. But still, how neatly need to relate to these words, how to use them carefully!

And yes, sometimes to move on, you need to confess myself that it is to blame, but this recognition must be done to yourself. To myself, when the time comes. And these words from others will only cause rejection. Only lengthen this path.

Therefore, I want a daughter to think these words in the very least. And when she needs to pronounce them to cope with the problem, she was easy to say them and go further. Easy - because these words will be rare in her life and will not be painted by wine and offend.

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