"Rather, not against the hijacking, but for comfort." Review of auto alarm systems with remote launch


Over the past 10 years, the car alarm market has changed markedly in our country. Practically disappeared from Taiwanese and Chinese manufacturers. The main supplier of the product today is Russia. Moreover, the neighbors have advanced quite well in this matter. In the Russian Federation, there is a problem with theft of machines, therefore there they even give a discount on the CASCO when installing alarm system. In Belarus, such devices are used primarily for the sake of comfort. Although security features can always be useful.

Machines manufactured for China or Taiwan, in the issue of electronics, differ from those that are released in the EAEU market. And the latter and make up the basis of our Belarusian, fleet. In Russia, car alarms adapted to local models. Therefore, brands from the Russian Federation came to the first seats of sales: Starline and Pandora. And despite the skepticism, which can cause the phrase "Russian Quality", buyers trust them.

Major requests: Safety outside the city and comfort in Urban environment

We asked Paul, to the representative of one of the profile stores, the easiest question: "Suppose the car owner has no alarm and he thinks: why should I need it for me?"

- First of all, it should be noted that all modern systems that we will consider today are suitable for new machines released for the EAEU market. They are easily adapted to electronics. When you install a dealer warranty, it is enough to connect one block to the CAN bus and conduct electronic matching, that is, the integration is minimal. It is only important that the installation produced the dealer himself.

- Why can you need alarm? The main motifs of buyers are safety and comfort. In Belarus, thefts and car bearings are not very common. Of course, this happens, but not as often as in Russia. There is the main function of the system - a security. We also have convenience.

- In the latest STARLINE and PANDORA models, the alarm key chain is an application on a smartphone. With it, you can remotely (even in another city) open the machine, start the engine, submit a loud signal ("Panic" mode) if you need to scare from auto dubious personalities.

- All signals can be sent by a machine from anywhere where there is Internet. If there is no network, you can call the SIM card number in the car. It is in those cases where the user is far from the car, you need to open the application. It also shows the location of the machine: the exact place in the presence of the antenna and the circle of the territory in its absence. The application builds on the map and the route of the trips (the so-called story).

- If urban residents are more often asked about comfort, then buyers from settlements and villages are more concerned about security. Often we are not talking about some kind of intentional crime, rather about random troubles in the style of "walked / dripped and hooked." Nevertheless, all modern models of car alarms are equipped with shock sensors (hood, all doors and trunk lid) and tilt. The latter is provided in case the standing machine will start immersing the tow truck or raise on the jack to remove the wheels. The inclination sensor remembers the position of the car during parking (for example, on a hill or two wheels on the curb) and reacts to changes relative to this angle.

- With any blow, the system is called to the owner's phone, sends SMS on triggered. What to do next, the user itself decides - to look for, include "panic" or cause the police.

How can I use. Lifehaki

- Personally, I'm already accustomed to enjoy the alarm, - continues Paul. - My most popular function is a remote engine start. In this January, when the thermometer column fell below 15 degrees, such an opportunity was simply necessary. Shortly before the exit, I launched the engine, got into the already warm car, the glass was thawed, warm in the cabin. Plus, in the application, you can configure the motor autorun when the battery is dropped. Summer also helps - the air conditioner has time to knock the heat inside the car. You can program the launch of the unit when it reaches a certain temperature (for example, minus 20) or every day, say, at 7 am - for those who are subject to strict graphics. It is possible when you remotely start including seats, mirrors.

Another important feature for systems with special labels is "free hands." The machine opens when approaching it. You can install on all models with the central lock.

So the most labels look like

The store employee says that he has been using the alarm for six years. During this time, he had a lot of lifhacks for the use of the system: "We leave for the city, leave the pet at home. We ask friends or neighbors to feed it. The keys to the apartment are left in the car. Comrade is calling to report that he has already arrived, I remotely open the car, he takes the keys. Yes, you might think that such situations are single, but for six years, such trifles have developed in my habit. "

Top goods

Starline A96.

This is a more classic, familiar option - in the form of a key chain. The label is attached to it for the "Free Hands" function. More popular A96 uses the older generation, in those people who do not like to upload a smartphone with different applications, prefers not to use gadgets. Also suitable for those who live outside the city, in places where there are interruptions with the Internet.

It should be borne in mind that due to the large number of urban noises, especially in shopping centers, key rings may not work.

StarLine S96.

There is no keychain in this set, but there are already two labels. The keyfob function performs an application on the smartphone.

This is a typical urban option for a person who is used to that the phone can not only call.

StarLine E96.

The combined version that combines the functionality of the above models. There is also GSM, and GPS. Suitable to citizens who often go to hunt and fishing. In the city, they use the application mobile, and in nature comes to the revenue keychain.

All specified devices (sixth generation) should be installed only a person who has a certificate of learning in Starline.

Pandora DX-90 and others

The models described above are suitable for all modern machines released for the EAEU market. The alarm of Pandora is designed for a premium segment of cars. It is installed on the BMW 5-Series, 7-Series, Mercedes E-Class, S-Class.

The Pandora kit is quite compact, it can be hidden into any part of the car. And even those clever thieves that know where to look for a module, it will not be discovered. Customers who still fear can additionally establish beacons - up to five pieces.

The positioning of the brand on the market says the fact that Pandora released the model from 4G is still long before the full coverage, ensuring, so let's say, it hurts for the future.

It is important to clarify that all the listed systems are equipped with a dialog code, hacking which in five years it has failed. Manufacturers themselves offer 5 million Russian rubles (about $ 66 thousand) to the one who can overcome this defense. While the clever was not found. Simple words, with the help of grabber, open cars with one of these systems will not be possible.

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