14 people told what nails keep television transmission on repair


Numerous television shows about repair have a huge audience. It would be more, because with their help, the design and culture of life becomes closer and clearer to the people, beauty penetrates each house. Spectators dream to once the builder wizards visited them at home and presented them with designer repairs. Ready, without all these nerves, endless building materials and mountains of garbage.

As a miracle construction occurs - a riddle for everyone. In addition to us in ADME.ru. No wonder we painstakingly studied the reviews of the participants and found out, on which nails are spectacular teased.

  • We did a "country response". In general, everything is practically as on TV and shown. The attitude of the film crew is excellent, only positive impressions. From the shortcomings: in the sink used practically the cheapest siphon, well, we ourselves were replaced. Most likely, they forgot to order him and bought in the nearest store. The funny thing is that he did not fit to the sink and was in one place clogged with blue tape, Karl! Creation collected a shield, some phases confused. Because of this, after a while there was a device that worked from this machine. The wiring was fixed, the device was replaced. © Drama0cle / Pikabu
  • Family friends participated in one of these shows. Their son was then 6 years old, he was fond of the railway, so the nursery was converted to the thematic room with a train, which slowly kiced around the perimeter. At first it was great, but after a few years he grew up and this room was greatly embarrassed. Renovated rooms looked great on TV, but in his life looked a little tasteless. © FRP1995 / Reddit

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© The Money Pit / Universal Studios

  • In the house of my friends TV show renovated several rooms. Everything looked good, and they were satisfied with the result. The only thing they did not manage to leave is the whole decor. It was used to enhance effect and friends offered to buy decorations at a reduced price. © Basbeeky / Reddit
  • When we have opened the door to the kitchen and the light turned on, in the eyes straight splashed a salad color. Multiple fresh, juicy salad color. It was unexpectedly great. All such a smooth, bright, blinding, and air even more than it was. The new kitchen was so dissenisled with the rest of the rooms, which had to, as it often happens to the heroes of the "KV" (the transfer of the "apartment question". - Rest. Ed.), Redoing the entire apartment. So the initially planned 2 more habitats at my parents broke out a total of 4 months, because the grandiose repair was expected. © Chesnova / LiveJournal

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© pixabay.com.

  • In fairness it should be noted that we initially stayed in complete delight. At first, that is, a smooth account until the nails have taken back to the head. The risk in this room mainly lies in the planks falling off from the ceiling, and even in poorly fixed shields on the walls. By the way, I did not fail about these falling plates to inform the editorial and construction team of the respected Fazenda program. Then they told me that these guys did on the last day, so badly fastened. © Tala_Nova / LiveJournal
  • That's what interesting moments you need to know. The room, in our case, the kitchen, you prepare yourself. Alignment of walls, screed, wiring, etc. Clean yourself. All with regard to loading and unloading, also on your shoulders. And they want everyone to cry at the end. But the tears did not wait from us - on the contrary, more indifference. I was not surprised to repair. The designer put everything as I told him: both the slab, and the sink, and the table, and everything else. The color solution also used on my pictures. In general, thanks to him for fully listened to my opinion and desires. But this, of course, killed the whole surprise of this project. © Fraunatali / Pikabu

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© Duplex / Miramax Films

  • My brothers house was repaired on one of these shows. Initially, the lamps and the like things looked disgusting. Everyone was quite successful, but the taste of my brothers did not take into account. © Ktflamingo / Reddit
  • First of all, tightened the repair of one room for 4 months. 4 long winter months. I'll tell you the uninitiated: you know why people have such happy faces? They do not believe that they finally got home, because it is a miracle! But first things first. Parquet new, places are damaged and successfully closed by the Puffy. The antenna simply spoiled, like a splitter to her. Less than in a month I broke a new-fashioned window. But apotheosis happened last night! The apartment suddenly went out. People, without bothering with old wiring, just threw one power cable to a new room - attention - past the counter! Having complied with modestly, the copper poor fellow, next to aluminum, old on one machine. © Julia Denisova / Facebook

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© pixabay.com.

  • In July 2016, we have made a project for the transfer of Fazenda, overlooking the first channel. The project turned out to be quite interesting, we applied the ideas here, which I wanted to bring to life for a long time, but they didn't find such a reckless customer, so that he wanted to take a chance with red. Of course, the framework of TV projects does not allow any complex work and long-term technological stops, and that is why everything is solved simply and mostly inexpensively. Chairs, for example, we generally found solubular and old ones nowhere (they are 30 years old, no less than). Then they were slightly polished, painted and replaced the upholstery. © Decorideas / Pikabu
  • Participated in the filming of the "apartment issue". We have installed window sills from an artificial stone. In response, we received a mention on the website and a piece of paper. I was shown for TV as many as 4 seconds from the back. Repair is made 1.5-2.5 months. The whole apartment, besides the repaired room, in dust, albeit a film. At the same time goes up to 15 projects. Quality is on the high level, but really free for participants. © Kiskanen / Pikabu

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© pexels.com.

  • I stayed in a hotel room after such a repair. Everything was done bad. Terrible paint stripes (some of them on the ceiling). The decor looked very cheap. The old-fashioned bathroom did not change, but they were not shown in the show. In general, all this looked good on the screen, but the live seemed to be unprofessional. © i_am_pyxidis / Reddit
  • My family participated in the show at the restructuring of the rear yard back in 2003. To our requests were not very listened, but despite this, in the end the yard turned out good. In the family we are six children, so, of course, we dreamed of the pool, but did not do it. We did not get upset exactly until they saw other series of shows, in which other families were set by pools without problems. © Copmaumau / Reddit

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© Hancock / Columbia Pictures

  • My father also participated in the show on the repair of the courtyard. His requests were also ignored. He dreamed of the courtyard with an open barbecue area, and received a garden with white roses and several reservoirs. He is a real Australian - loves to skip a circle, watch football, etc. This guy could hardly care for a cactus, not to mention a pink garden. My father helped him to harde the flowers and sow the yard to the lawn. © Brintyboo / Reddit
  • Of course, we themselves did not make themselves such a bedroom. It turned out very beautiful, in our taste, our color gamut. As if we hired a designer and he invented the project according to our requirements. All super! So it is a big and bold plus. Cons: We were demolished half the attic that was over the bedroom, and with him and the entrance to the attic. And half the attic remained, but now it's not to get there. It was a sorry for our window, we had a good eurowindow. We were expanded to the window opening (we ourselves did not do it, because there was no big necessity in this, and it would also be too much warm) and put a cheap window, because there was no sponsor to the window. © Vasya_Lesya / LiveJournal

How do you feel about a similar show? Have you or your friends deal with TV repair and how do you have their results?

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