In the center of the Pirogov, the patients began to transplant their own teeth


Autotransplantation of teeth - transplant operation of its own teeth in the wells previously remote - began to perform in Moscow at the National Medical and Surgical Center named after Pirogov

In the center of the Pirogov, the patients began to transplant their own teeth 6664_1

As a result of observation of the first patients after the procedures conducted, the transplanted teeth took place without any complications. This was told in the center.

Basically, such operations use the so-called "teeth of wisdom". Initially, a three-dimensional model of a transplanted tooth made on a 3D printer will prevent the place of the remote patient tooth. After the healthy tooth is shown, the tire is superimposed on it, holding it for 2 weeks. This time is enough tooth to "take care" in the new well. After that, according to the testimony of a specialist, a deputy is carried out - treatment of its channels. The autotransplanted tooth will grow into a new well due to a bundle remaining at its root. After the formation of a new bone tissue occurs, the tooth is fully strengthened in the well. - Vitaly Foir, Dentist Surgeon

In the center of the Pirogov, the patients began to transplant their own teeth 6664_2

After a tooth transplant operation, the patient is assigned therapy with antibiotics and restrictions on the reception of eating at least 1 month on the transplant side are established.

As the head of the Pirogovsky Center of the Clinical Diagnostic Center "Arbat" the dentistry told the Dentistry of the Pirogovo Center, Elena Vedeneva, autotransplantation of his own healthy patient's tooth serves as an alternative option for installing the implant, while for each patient the treatment method is selected individually.

In the center of the Pirogov, the patients began to transplant their own teeth 6664_3

Also in the center they told about another method-apical surgery. With its help, patients retain "complex" teeth. The method of apical surgery lies in microsurgical intervention at the top of the tooth root. The tooth root canal is processed and seal under the control of the operating microscope.

In the center of the Pirogov, the patients began to transplant their own teeth 6664_4

This operation makes it possible to save a tooth from removal, since the causes of inflammation at the root, namely bacterial infection in the tooth root channel, are eliminated, this technique is applied in cases where normal treatment through the coronal part of the tooth is not possible. About three months later, the bone defect, where the inflammatory process was restored, and the tooth becomes fully functional.

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