Why we do not need compact smartphones on Android


Manufacturers of Android-smartphones MUST Earlier, Apple began to increase their diagonal screens. Even when the iPhone came out with 4-inch displays, Samsung has already been a 5.5-inch Galaxy Note. But then this was not particularly embarrassed. Only much later, when there were no devices on the market with screens less than 6 inches, Android users have become glad to look towards Apple, which had already two compact iPhone: SE 2020 and 12 mini. Another thing is that the very fact of their presence in the company's assortment does not mean smooth account.

Why we do not need compact smartphones on Android 6655_1
Small smartphones are not needed, because it is not trite

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Compact smartphones are a useless thing, which has no place in 2021. This is confirmed by a number of factors against which, what is called, do not be trap. However, many users continue to believe that they would be very happy if they had the opportunity to buy a small smartphone with flagship characteristics, but in the iPhone 5. but not. Wouldn't. And that's why.

Why smartphones are so big

Why we do not need compact smartphones on Android 6655_2
Compact smartphones can only come in handy as a second smartphone, but it clearly should not be flagship

First, it is necessary to understand that the manufacturers of smartphones are even more interested in offering you the product you want. It is believed that they do not produce compact devices, because they do not know what users need, - deep delusion. They constantly monitor the market, studying sales, satisfy polls and even read comments on Androidinsider.ru. But the fact is that small smartphones are not needed by the overwhelming majority of users. And those who think that they are most likely to be misunderstood. Manufacturers understand all this, and therefore they do not want to spend time and money to develop knowingly unpopular products.

Why iPhone 12 mini has no analogues on android

Excellent proof that compact smartphones are not needed by anyone - iPhone 12 mini. Apple invested in its design, but it turned out that he was not needed anyone. No, you did not understand: do not need at all. His sales turned out to be so insignificant that Apple first decided to reduce its production, and then - even stop it at all. But what to do with already released copies that dust in warehouses? After all, to attract consumers to them just will not work, even though it is flagship models. Therefore, it was decided to lower the price, and in the near future we will see it.

Why smartphones with big screen is better

Why we do not need compact smartphones on Android 6655_3
Smartphone should be big, but not too

So why in 2021 compact smartphones do not even use small demand? The thing is that modern content that we consume through smartphones is sharpened for large screens. Take anything: games, video on YouTube, rollers in Titstok, Storsith in Instagram, TV shows on netflix - all this requires a large screen. It is more convenient for it to play "three in a row", it is convenient to flipping photos and videos, it is convenient to even tritely surf on the Internet. It just happened over time that the only advantage of a compact smartphone is the convenience of transporting and holding in hand. But to break the eyes in order to wear the device in the breast pocket of the shirt will agree very and very few.

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And the position "The more, the better" does not work here. If the minimum comfort screen starts from about 6-6.2 inches, then the maximum ends with 6.5-6.6. All that is more - already so inconveniently lies in the hand that the probability of torture the device increases by exponential. I have been kept in the hands of the iPhone 12 Pro Max with a 6.7-inch screen, and I can say that it is disgustingly uncomfortable solution, even despite the beveled face. The iPhone 11 Pro Max, the screen of which was 0.2 inches less, turned out to be much more convenient. It is good that manufacturers of smartphones on Android have long understood this. But Apple is only to understand.

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