Romantic films for children and adolescents (and their parents)


"You never dreamed"

Frame from the film
Frame from the film "You never dreamed"
Frame from the film
Frame from the film "You never dreamed"

Soviet analogy "Romeo and Juliet", filmed by the name of Galina Shcherbakova. In the center of the plot, two families, the relationship between which are corrupted by the reaches of the past, and two teenagers - Romka and Katya - clean, lovers and not wanting to participate in parental labels.

A very clear story for children and instructive for parents - about what happens when they interfere in children's relationships and make children in their own. In general, "you never dreamed" - a rather rare case when the film turned out to be lucky. If in the book a lot of heavy descriptions, internal monologues and ambiguous, but tragic finals, then the film turned out to be lightweight and shrill, as the first spring heat after a long winter.

Romeo + Juliet
Frame from the film
Frame from the movie "Romeo + Juliet"
Frame from the film
Frame from the movie "Romeo + Juliet"

An excellent way to get acquainted with the sad story in the world for those who did not enter the Shakespeare text. The action was transferred to modernity (well, already relative modernity - the 1996 film), but Fabul and the text are completely saved. And it turns out that Shakespeare's passions are always relevant. Love, revenge, the enmity looks organically both in the medieval verona and in the modern megalopolis.

Frame from the film
Frame from the movie "Boom"
Frame from the film
Frame from the movie "Boom"

Teenage age, parties, dreams of love and misunderstanding of the parents ... Despite the eternity of the topics raised, modern teenagers can seem very naive.

Nevertheless, it is interesting to look, since the plot of the film is quite rich and keeps in tension. Hearts decides not only thirteen-year-old Vic (the first role of Beauty Sophie Marso, who made it popular), but also her parents who are on the verge of divorce, but still find the strength to hear each other and save the family.

Frame from the film
Frame from the film "Penelope"
Frame from the film
Frame from the film "Penelope"

Fairy tales of enchanted princesses were popular at all times, and this film is a modern variation of such a fairy tale.

The Penelope family cursed, so the girl was born with a piggy patch instead of the nose. According to the law of the genre, the girl can only be the one who sincerely love her. But the potential grooms run in fright, only seeing Penelope feature.

Unlike the princesses of the past, Penelope does not wait, when the right person finds himself, and takes his life to his decisive hands, leaves the house and is arranged. And it turns out that the curse is removed not a wedding with the prince, but the most important love is to itself.

However, without a prince will not cost too!

"Princess Diaries"
Frame from the film
Frame from the movie "Princess Diaries"
Frame from the film
Frame from the movie "Princess Diaries"

Mia lives the life of an ordinary teenager until she knows that she ... the real princess. Now the girl has to be solved: living her usual life or comprehend the subtleties of the palace etiquette.

In the meantime, she will try on the role of the princess, all its relations will be conducted on strength - from friendly to romantic.

"Walking castle"
Frame from cartoon
Frame from the cartoon "Walking Castle"
Frame from cartoon
Frame from the cartoon "Walking Castle"

The classic of Japanese animation and another story about the enchanted girl.

The evil witch turned the beautiful Sophie to the wrought old woman. In an attempt to remove the Sophie's spell, goes to search for a wizard who could help her. Girl-grandmother is modest and hardworking, so it easily has people and magical creatures. But who would have thought that in the old woman, she could find his love?

Hayao Miyazaki cartoons are like magic boxes - the more you look at them, the more depth and meanings open for yourself.

The "walking castle" is equally interesting to watch both in a gentle age, admiring the magic and a love story, and becoming older when historical parallels and allusions become understood.

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