"Or you are leaving the country, or do something." What is "gathering" and why a programmer, a working and businessman go to politics


Before February, a couple of days remain, and therefore the February VNS is getting closer. Recall, the other day we gave the floor to his delegates. Now let's tell about the alternative to the meeting. We have already mentioned the "gathering" before. According to the developers, this is an independent civil initiative, behind which political forces or parties are not worth. Briefly explain to her essence. The platform is created for the National Dialogue. Conventional Belarusians are put forward on the role of delegates - "representatives of the interests of the people", and everything else is invited to vote for the candidates like. As the initiative is approved on the site, 328 delegates will be selected. On behalf of the Belarusians, they will drive problems in society and will wait for the attention of the authorities. With three of the possible delegates, we talked about politics. We tell why they found themselves at the "gathering" and how they see a conversation with the authorities.

Prussakov Ilya, 32 years old. Programmer

Ilya is going to become a delegate on the "gathering" from "New Borovy". He tells that it is actively interested in politics on the eve of 2020 elections. And clarifies: the trigger was the arrests of possible presidential candidates. And after violence, which man saw on the street in August, he clearly decided: you need to do something.

- I do not give rest to the idea that such crimes were committed in the country. I had a feeling of injustice, as if fool was made from me. I began to track the entire political situation in Belarus, and in January I saw the "Short" initiative. I realized that it would be possible to try myself as a delegate, "says Ilya. - I really want the legality in our country, and it is about it that is going to talk. We are offered violence, and we must offer something else. But for this you need to participate in all civil initiatives - otherwise we still have one option.

I ask Ilya, if he tried to become a delegate on the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, where the chance to see the power is much more. And that's what he answers:

- Delegates of VNS, in my opinion, pass a hard ideological filter. I do not think I will really get there. In addition, VNS is not a dialogue, but its imitation. As for the "gathering", there is a similarity of real elections, they are open and stacked in the framework of law. We need a horizontal communication scheme when people hear each other. And when even neighbors are not familiar with each other, the ideal situation is formed in the country to cultivate a non-free society.

Ilya adds that the purpose of his participation in the political dialogue is to create a civil society structure on the territory of the "New Borov". Further more.

- I would like to find like-minded people here. Who knows, maybe, from a small initiative, everything will turn into local elections of deputies? In addition, I think that a real chance to improve the situation in the country is to hold their candidates to the local authority. And now in its number there are only ideologically correct people, - adds a man. - We see that nothing changes in higher circles. And therefore we have the only option - to start moving from below. To begin with, it may be "gathering".

The fact that ordinary people began to be interested in politics, Ilya is not surprising at all. He notes that from the first presidential term of Alexander Lukashenko passed 26 years: generations changed, and with them - and people.

"During this time we saw how otherwise the population of neighboring countries lives. Finally, we began to earn more. We have educated people - we already understand what civil society is and how much policies affect our life. This awareness was in a sleeping state for a long time. And this year, due to improper communication, the authorities had a shift: remember at least the situation with Coronavirus. Then we saw the election "landings" and violence. All this led to the fact that even apolitical people understood: I will leave everything as it is - it will be worse.

The programmer notes: He cannot predict whether someone from the authorities will take part in the "gathering" and how they will be perceived by this attempt of the dialogue. In addition, Ilya is dislarously worried about personal safety.

- Let's start with the fact that it is an absolutely legal initiative, but can happen anything. If the delegates will make criminal cases, it will only show the essence of our policy. I do not think that people will stop it: sooner or later they will have to offer something except fear, "adds Ilya. "In my opinion, the government can come to competently and go to the dialogue. But it seems to me that it is unlikely to happen.

- If you consider the last option, it will turn out that people will once again respond about problems only with each other. What's next?

- Let it be, but even in this case there are opportunities for new legislative initiatives. For example, collectively people can submit to the exception of Article 23.34 from the Administrative Offenses Code. But for this we must communicate and unite.

Dmitry Olkhovik, 36 years old. Was fired with bmz

Dmitry is married, he has two children, he lives in Zhlobin and from this city is going to be moved to the "gathering". Talking about life and problems Dmitry begins with dismissal. A couple of months ago, he worked as an operator in the steelmaking workshop on BMZ, then supported the strike and turned out to be dismissed.

- On October 26, a nationwide strike was announced, from November 1 I was supported. At first he took three days at his own expense, and then began movement towards strike. I decided that I could not walk to work: what happened on the streets, I perceived close to my heart. He wrote an application for accession to the strike and brought him to work, "says Dmitry. - On Monday, I was called from the personnel department. They said that I came to take care of the work. It turned out that I was officially dismissed for the walk - there was no more than three hours in the workplace. So from the second November I was unemployed.

According to a man, he never thought about politics seriously. "Watching events, like everyone else." And last spring everything has changed dramatically.

- Then interesting events began to occur - it was seen that the activity of the population is much higher than in previous years. Recall at least huge queues of people who wanted to put their signature for alternative candidates, explains Dmitry. - Then the detention of Tikhanovsky and Babarico. It became clear that this year the elections would not be as always. First, I just watched all this. And after the elections and violence on the streets, I understood: to stay aside it hard.

A man adds that he was particularly difficult for him to go to work in the first protest days in August. This is how he recalls voting day:

"Then I worked from nine in the morning to nine evenings." At first I went to vote for Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, then - to work. And in the evening, famous events began to occur. There was no Internet, we had some information, it was very hard to work. I began to worry hard. It became clear to me: in this situation something needs to be done.

He says that on August 14, a meeting was held at the factory with leadership. According to the man, it was clear that "no one about any dialogue is going to go."

- Then they fired me, and in a couple of months I saw an announcement of the site "Short" and elections of delegates. Well, I have nothing to risk - I decided to try to declare problems, "the man smiles. - What am I going to talk about? First, about the legal default. Before August, we all somehow lived and did not see its scale. And then it turned out that the absence of legality is scary. Secondly, me, like many, still worries, why we have stolen voices and why such violence took place on the streets.

According to Dmitry, "Short" is an alternative to VNS. However, to take part in a meeting organized by the authorities, he never thought. And explains why.

"I didn't hear that ordinary people call on VNS: how delegates are elected there, I don't know. When my brother was a student, he studied well at the university and therefore came to the All-Belarusian Assembly. Ordinary Belarusians there are units, but the leaders of enterprises and employees of the Executive Committee are the majority, "said Dmitry. - It is important for me that my nobody restricted, the vote happened openly, and I could take real participation in the discussion.

Dmitry says "When everything is fine in the country," he is unlikely to be a desire to participate in political life. But while it is not.

"It seems to me that simple Belarusians, as I decided to declare myself for one reason: new candidates appeared in the election. They are the same as we, worked and engaged in our usual affairs. And then they decided to leave the comfort zone and said: "Enough". The same Tikhanovskaya was a conventional housewife and could live on his life. But apparently, it's time to change something, "the man reflects.

Dmitry believes that voltage in society cannot exist for a very long time - the authorities will have to answer the questions of Belarusians. "Skhod", in his opinion, this is another attempt to reach the tops.

- With your extension, I want to show that there are people who can talk about problems. I'm afraid of possible consequences? Of course, yes - I am a simple person, "he admits. - But to live in that position, in which Belarus is now, I do not want. Options are: either you are leaving the country or do something. And it seems to me that too many people have already sacrificed their comfort so that I doubt that choose.

Malikov Sergey, 40 years old. Works in business

Sergey begins his story with the list of facts: he is married, has three children, lives in Baranovichi. Adds that he received two higher education - medical and legal. Politics entered his quiet life in May, when the election campaign began in Belarus. Then Sergey was interested in the candidacy of Viktor Babarico.

- I saw how smart serious people declared the desire to participate in the race. At that moment, we had an acute issue of the country's economic development. I appreciated the words of Babarico and made a decision: this person will be able to build us an economy, "says Sergey. - I just asked myself a question: to whom to change the position of things, if not for us? And began to collect signatures for him. And after the August events it became clear: there is no law in the country - something needs to be done.

According to Sergey, the "lack of law" was the point of non-return for him. In his opinion, all the others follow from this problem, including economic issues. In January, the man saw information about the "Short" initiative - decided that it was time to declare problems on the site.

- There is an opportunity to choose: people offer candidates, and they themselves decide who will represent them. During the summer election campaign, I tried to participate in the public dialogue - but I did not see any reaction from the authorities. I tried to become an observer in the elections - and I was kicked out, "says Sergey. - I still have hope that after the "gathering" my desire to return to the law will be heard.

Sergey admits: the illusions about feedback it does not feed. And immediately repeats the words of their previous colleagues on the site: "If you do not try, then what will change?"

- I understand perfectly well that the reaction can be zero. But I know that new politicians will inevitably grow, and ordinary people should build links for our future. I do not know another option, how to convey that we have real problems with the law, - he adds. - Even if we are talking about security forces, we will still live with them together and raise children. And the faster we find points of contact, the better it will be for everyone.

A man adds that he is "a system of the system" and after the "gathering" fully sees himself in public service. True, calls condition: "When the country returns to the legality."

- I worked for 15 years in medicine. Then she went to business - after all, at the salary of the doctor, do not last long. I think I have experience in working for the good of the country, "Sergey is divided by thoughts. "It seems to me that ordinary people began to come to the same opinion as I, after the emergence of new leaders. Awareness came: the past system completely outlived - it cannot generate the future. Here in Baranovichi, the bulk of people lives 500 rubles a month - what can we talk about? Naturally, people just wanted more.

And what about the "gathering" tell his organizers and power?

The organizers themselves note that "gathering" is an independent civilian initiative, behind which no political forces are worth.

- The project is non-commercial and implemented on a volunteer basis. The creators of the platform at the stage of its launch have repeatedly emphasized that "gathering" is open to people not only with any political views, but also with any ideas. Many candidates, in addition to the expression of their position on the most relevant issues that are associated with the past elections, the use of violence and political prisoners, offered a variety of ideas to improve the lives of Belarusians.

Among those who sent applications, there are well-known politicians and media personalities - Maxim Bogretsov, Vladimir Matskevich, Andrei Dmitriev, Igor Beshechenya, Ilya Dobrick, Valery Ostrinsky and others. However, most part are people who are not related to politics and media: workers, teachers, IT officers, doctors, military, businessmen, bloggers, pensioners, students, - tell the creators of the platform.

By the way, the authorities responded to the idea of ​​the launch of the "gathering". Two days ago, at a meeting on improving legislation, Alexander Lukashenko spoke in relation to critics VNS. He appealed to the oppositionists who are abroad.

- What are you "dancing"? You declared a boycott of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly. Next - "Alternaty gathering zimony". They generally refused to admit this the All-Belarusian People's Assembly - the so-called opposition and runaway. What are you crying today? You do not recognize it. Who will elect you to this all-storey people's assembly, who will invite you there? An alternative was announced - this "gathering", "said Lukashenko in this," said Lukashenko.

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