BDT presented a new part of the "three fathers". In it, the giant Stalin eats people, the texts of philosophers sound, and with the ceiling, tons of sand rolls. Here is the main thing about the loud premiere


BDT passed the premiere of the play "Three fathers. Episode 7. Teacher. " This is the long-awaited continuation of the spectacular theater series, started four years ago in St. Petersburg.

New production is a kind of spin-off. He carries the number seven, although there are no episodes from the third on the sixth, but also tells the story of a scientist Tuba, which in the tale of Yuri Oleshi, who gave the impulse to the whole project, it is known very little.

"Paper" looked at the performance and tells the main thing about the process of its creation, scenography and possible continuation.

The new episode of the "Three Fattyns" - Spin-off theatrical series based on Tales Oleshi

The first two parts of the "three fat men" - "Episode 1. Uprising" and "Episode 2. Iron Heart" - released in BDT in 2017 and 2018. The pulse for working on the performance, which was originally conceived by the only one, became the same name of Yuri Oleshi. The book, written in 1924, talks about the rebellion of the poor, against the rich in the face of three fathers in a fictional country.

And although the "three fat men" were only the starting point for the production of Andrei Mighty, in the first two episodes, it was if not direct following the plot, at least the development of famous characters in the fairy tale. The new episode has become spin-off in relation to the first two parts. It tells the story of the scientist Tuba, teachers of Dr. Gaspara Arneri.

In the work of Oleshi, the tube appears only at the end, readers are practically not known about it. In the formulation of the mighty scientist, delivered to the center of the performance, acquires a name, patronymic and biography. The role of Tuba performs the famous actor Sergei Dreyden.

BDT presented a new part of the
A copy of Ivan Ilyich (Boris Zarutsky), Ivan Ilyich Tub (Sergey Dreyden) and Gaspar Arneri (Alexander RONIS). Photo: Stas Levshin

Literary sources of performances - fragments of texts of philosophers Merab Mamardashvili, Alexander Pyatigorsky, George Gurdjieff, Philosophy, and Philosopher Robert Bartini, as well as the Fairy Tale Wilhelm Gauga "Cold Heart". In addition, Sergey Dreyden, an important contribution to the performance, and Sergey Dreyden: in the production you can see references to his childhood memories when every child of the USSR loved Stalin.

The Episode "Teacher", distanced and from the fairy tale of Oleshi, and from the first two parts, allows you to look at the placement as a separate work, and not just as a continuation of the theater series. Moreover, at a press conference in Tass before the premiere Sergey Dreden admitted that he himself did not watch the first two parts of the "fatty", but this, according to the mighty, did not affect the work.

The recent political events influenced the work on the "fat men" - from the amendments to the Constitution before the poisoning of Navalny

There are no direct quotes from real speeches, slogans or images of living people, but the director Andrei Mighty, artist Alexander Shishkin and Artist Sergey Dreyden converge that the new part of the "three fat men" is directly related to real life.

Among the events, which in one form or another influenced the work on a new performance, Alexander Shishkin called protests in Belarus, Coronavirus Pandemic, transfer the date of the Victory Day celebration, amending the Constitution, Alexey Navalnye poisoning and his subsequent return to Russia.

"The performance is of a serious attitude to life," says Shishkin. "We have been charged with events, but not dependent on them," complements the description of the "fat men" dradid. - We were not treasurely. " Indeed, the formulation of a greater extent talks about the submission and repentance of man than about historical processes.

"For three years [with the premiere of the second part of the" three fat men "], the time changed quickly, sharply and unpredictable," said Andrei Mighty, noting that "the performance was motivated by the street." According to the director, the events of real life passed the "painful" selection process before influenced: such a strict filter was needed that the material is not outdated over time.

BDT presented a new part of the
Over the new part worked for more than two years, and the premiere was transferred due to a pandemic

About the work on the new episode of the "Three Fattys" in BDT became known almost immediately after the premiere of the second part in March 2018. The audience was waiting for the third part in December 2019, officially released the 2000s for the spring, but even before the premiere theaters were closed due to a pandemic. As a result, the new part was shown only in February 2021.

Throughout this time, work on the production continued. Andrei Mighty noted that since the work on the project was carried out including during self-insulation, it allowed the team for several months to rehearse right on the stage, although usually the troupes have only a couple of weeks.

Moreover, it was originally about the third part, that she would come out at number seven - as if skipping four parts at once, it was not known. In many reviews, references to the "Star Wars" were noted: in some stylistic solutions, and in the interpretation of the conflict, and now in the order of episodes.

Some of the bright images of the performance - Stalin, eating people, and a raging "from the sky" sand

The action of the performance partially unfolds in the "mysterious space, similar to the desert, or on an abandoned beach, or on a giant sandbox," theater is said on the theater website. Spectators do not know where it is: the tip could be in the previous parts, but they were rearranged in the theater. To create the effect of the desert at the beginning of the performance on the scene, about 3 tons of "sand" rushes from the sky. In fact, in the design of the performance, it is not real sand, but the cork crumb, after the display it is collected and then used again.

BDT presented a new part of the

Another bright image embodied in scenography, Stalin. In the plot, Ivan Ilyich Tuba was born in a pre-war Leningrad and originally wore the surname of Tubin, he was the son of the aircraft designer Communist, whom they were arrested during a large terror. At the same time, the small Vanya is fascinated by the personality of Stalin, like almost all children of his generation.

Stalin is present in a play in several images, in particular in the form of a huge (8.5 meter high), a portrait with a rolling jaw, which "eats" artists - grandfather and sister Vanya. There is in production and Stalin as a person - Anatoly Petrov plays him, and a group of artists in masks with the person of the Secretary ofists also comes to the scene.

BDT presented a new part of the
Critics call the spectacular, free and solid performance

The reaction of critics to the new performance is rather positive. So, theatrical critic Anton Hitrov in his text for "jellyfish" writes that the seventh episode is the most spectacular. "Artist Alexander Shishkin, a permanent co-author of the mighty, embodied the spectacular metaphor of memory: On the lifeless sand, people and things like Miragia in the desert arise."

Irina Selezneva-Reder in the Petersburg Theater Journal wrote that "Pandemic Lokdaun has raised the nuunt of theatrical work to unprecedented long heights" and that "the complex staged performance of Andrei Mighty looks from the first shows a complete, thoughtful work, where the smallest details are already justified and fixed as An integral part of the large canvas. "

In the reviews of Vadim Rutkovsky on the website of, freedom is noted in approaching the topic and visual embodiment: the performance, according to Rutkovsky, is not similar to the "repertoire unit", but to "free, alive performances that are born as if on your eyes, here and now".

At the same time, on the premiere showing to the final, the performance was not available all the audience. It is important to note that the seventh episode is not only stylistically different from the first two, but also lasts twicear longer - four hours - and passes with two intermission.

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BDT does not exclude that the "three fathers" will continue. But not necessarily in the form of another performance

About the work on the next stage is not yet reported, moreover, Andrei Mighty declared that in the theater was tired of "fat men" and the BDT need a passage. However, the director did not exclude that the project may have a continuation, but not necessarily as a performance.

Previously, in the spring of 2019, Andrei mighty spoke about the final of the theater series as follows: "We must finish the epic with" fat men. " Compose the last episode. "War". Well, then ... it will be seen there. " Now about the "war" nothing is known.

Mighty believes that "the viewer can watch and revise the performance, collecting it as a rubik's cube." In addition, the director said that he would be even glad if someone would write the script of one of the parts and post on the Internet. At the same time, the seventh episode ends with the inscription "Continuation should be".

Subscribe to the Cultural Paper Guide to always be aware of what exhibitions and performances go. Read also about the Petersburg play in bars where they drink and listen to jazz, and about the production of Russian classics, which has five versions.

Ivan Ilicich, as in the story of Lion Tolstoy, the tube is called back in the first parts.

Many events are changed in dramaturgical purposes, the characters are converted.

The director seems to be more interested in the image of the intellectual hiding from the reality and responsibility than the revolution line.

The author of the dialogues for the performance, as in the previous parts, was Svetlana Shabina.

There was a pause between the productions, during which Andrei Mighty released the play "Tale about the last angel" in the Moscow Theater of Nations.

The seventh episode of the "Star Wars" wears the subtitle "Awakening of force" and tells, in fact, about the awakening of the force that was considered lost after the disappearance of the last Jedi.

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