To the Irkutsk region in the morning of December 21, the "echoes" of the earthquake in Tsyva


Irkutsk Region, 21.02.21 (IA "Teleinform"), - in the Irkutsk region in the morning of December 21, there were underground shocks intensity in two points. The epicenter of the earthquake was in Tyva, reported on the website of the Baikal Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Jumping inhabitants of the Irkutsk region could feel at 9.37 in Irkutsk, Sayansk, Nizhneudinsk and the village of Mikhaylovka Cheremkhovsky district. The epicenter of the earthquake was 53 km from the village of Chasylara, where the intensity of the concussions was four or five points, seven points in the epicenter. Two minutes later, an aftershock occurred the same intensity. In the Irkutsk region he was not felt.

Recall, over the past six months, several tangible earthquakes have happened in the Baikal. The first impetus of the Mongolian earthquake, who launched a series of Aftershok, which still continues, happened on January 12 at 5.32, in Irkutsk intensity was 5 points. According to the Institute of Earth's Crust, the SB RAS, published on January 12, the mechanism of the focus of the impetus was reset. It means moving in the earth's crust under the principle of fall. According to scientists, this is a typical mechanism for the conditions of stretching in rift hubsugul depressure.

On December 10, 2020, a strong earthquake occurred in the Baikal region in the morning, waking up residents. Then in Irkutsk were recorded in 5 points, however, experts noted that, due to the specifics of the Earth's layers in the Irkutsk region, the earthquake was felt stronger than in the epicenter. At 22.20, Irkutski felt another push, this time four points. By the way, thanks to these events, a couple of exhibits were kept in the Angarsk Museum of the clock, which did not go for a long time. The three-point earthquake felt residents of Irkutsk also at around two o'clock in the night of December.

A similar earthquake occurred on the night of September 22, 2020. Then the epicenter was located 15 kilometers from the village of Kultuk Slyudyansky district, where the intensity was eight points, in Irkutsk - 5-6 points. Residents felt shock even in the private sector homes and on the lower floors of high-rise buildings. Then the epicenter was in the foothills of the Sayan.

According to the director of the Baikal branch of the Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences Elena Kobelev, nothing anomalous in the fact that several tangible earthquakes have occurred lately, no. However, in Irkutsk should not be afraid of destructive earthquakes on the type of Neftegorsky, since the city is located on a powerful lithospheric plate at 50-70 kilometers and the epicenters of underground jokes cannot be here. Also, geophysics also explained the causes of the seismicity of the Baikal region and told that Aftershoki from strong earthquakes could last for years.

To the Irkutsk region in the morning of December 21, the

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