7 annoying situations in the children's clinic with which you need to accept


A campaign to the children's clinic can not be called a positive event. But no parent has failed to avoid this fate. In the clinic annoys everything, ranging from the queues, ending with a swear and emotional atmosphere. But we recommend coming up with the main stimuli and give advice, how to keep our nerves during the 7 most unpleasant moments.

7 annoying situations in the children's clinic with which you need to accept 6558_1


Despite the fact that now there is no need to get up at 5 am to take a queue in the clinic, however, the queues have a property to form spontaneously. It would seem that I registered in line via the Internet, but as soon as you come to my time, it turns out that someone just ask, someone has a coupon coincided with your time, someone's friend's friend and so on. Many mothers take a coupon at all for a certain time, but instead of one lead 2-3 children. As a result, instead of the last time in 10-15 minutes, we spend two or three times more in the clinics.

How to be? Talon, print it to the one who claims that he is scheduled for your time, there was no arguments. Do not miss those who "just ask", and come together with them and as long as he asks, undress the child and place.

Counters from the queue

The pastime in the queue is all proged in different ways, but I will definitely have a milf, which will ask "than feed the baby", "And how to raise immunity", "and the normal dream". And believe me that you would not answer, you will still give a lot of advice, from sofa experts.

7 annoying situations in the children's clinic with which you need to accept 6558_2

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How to be? Make the view that you do not need advice, as experience in matters of education you have much more. Or generally play with a child in some kind of game so that no one has the desire to speak with you.


Yes, healthy children are rarely coming to the clinic, it is also a clinic. But many mothers either do not know or ignore the fact that in the clinics just provided "healthy days" when they come to inspected kids for prevention and ordinary when they come by illness. As a result, your child and you, carry off the infection of other people's children and their careless Mamash.

How to be? Nobody canceled personal hygiene tools, so be sure to use the face mask and wear disinfectants with you. Well, if possible, try not to contact with other children.

Dissatisfaction of the doctor

If you think that queues in the clinics is the most unpleasant thing that awaits you, you still just didn't "go" on a dissatisfied doctor! The doctor may tire or stand up with that legs or read you for the fact that the child did not score the weight required by standards. It will require a report why the child does not hold the head and does not know how to turn on the tummy on his own.

7 annoying situations in the children's clinic with which you need to accept 6558_3

See also: A visit to the pediatrician: how to get the maximum benefit from the visit and how to be during quarantine

How to be? Gain positive patience. The doctor is also a person subject to stimulus. Being a scandalous milf and got nerves to him before you. Or a doctor of the Sovdeopian standards tables. Your task to nod and say that you do, but actually make as comfortable to you and your child. In the end, the head hold it can already learn tomorrow.

Multimaleny wait

The most tedious is to wait. Especially when it comes to taking a narrow specialist. This is usually MRI and similar complex procedures, when the virtual queue stretches endlessly long and everything remains, it is to wait for the call that your turn is finally suited. Or if we are talking about rare drugs and vaccinations that are brought from abroad.How to be? Use time rationally, and do not wait for a miracle. Try to sign up to another clinic or contact private clinics. We are talking about the health of the child, so do not hesitate to occupy a queue in several institutions and if somewhere you will be rapidly, just give way to the queue in other institutions.

Treatment for prophylaxis

Panic is always bad. It happens to make a mother of a child who, in her opinion, the legs sweep very much. Doctor, immediately puts a bunch of diagnoses, appoints a lot of vitamins, procedures, believes that it is rickets. And this can just be just a little feet. Does the baby redness in the throat? The doctor here is like here with his pixels and pills. And often it's all "just in case."

7 annoying situations in the children's clinic with which you need to accept 6558_4
How to be? Of course, we do not hint at the fact that it is necessary to negotiate various symptoms, however, no one bothers you to visit the forums or ask the opinion of several online doctors. Watch for your child and only if there are no changes, then follow the instructions of the doctor.

Loss of documents

You defended the queue, withstood all the attacks of Mamash, managed to avoid the historians of the child and, going to the office to the doctor, suddenly hear that there is no medical card. There is no doctor, no in the reception, there is no home. You understand yourself, there is no card - there are no last records, and the doctor can not hold them in my head.

How to be? Get the habit of photographing all the pages in which new entries appear. This, though it does not return the card, but in any case, will help restore the history of inspections, diseases and treatment. And already on the basis of saving data, you can make a copy.

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