Kuzbass headed the sales rating of domestic cars in Siberia

Kuzbass headed the sales rating of domestic cars in Siberia 6517_1

Thanks to state programs for supporting demand in the domestic automotive industry in the first two months of the 2021, more than 42.5 thousand cars were sold in Russia in concessional conditions. This was announced by the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

According to the program of preferential car loans, about 35.4 thousand cars were purchased, according to the program of preferential lease - more than 7.1 thousand cars.

According to sales of new cars in Siberia, the fourth year in a row leads Kuzbass. According to the Analytical Agency "AUTOSTAT", in 2020, 21,102 new cars put on account in the region. Although it is 7.3% less than a year earlier, but in general the country the volume of the market for new cars has decreased by 8%. In the ranking of the Russian regions, Kuzbass for purchases of new cars takes the 20th place.

The best-selling brand on the primary car market in Kuzbass, as in the whole country, became Lada. In 2020, Kuzbassov residents bought 4,146 such cars.

Experts note that in 2020, the car market, and not only Russian, but in general, the world, first of all, has changed due to the spread of a new coronavirus infection.

"In the period of quarantine events in April-May 2020, the issuance of car loans was most strongly in retail lending," Alexander Vikulin, General Director of the National Bureau of Credit Stories, emphasized. - However, in the summer - at the beginning of the fall, the car loan segment was actively restored. First of all, this contributed to the removal of quarantine restrictions. Thanks to this citizens, they were able to visit the car dealerships and implement the demand defused for several months. In addition, the main reason for activity in the car market was the expansion of the conditions of state programs of preferential car loans. "

Hopes for further growth are related to the extension of state programs. The company "AUTOSTAT" notes that as soon as their action stops, the share of car loans is dramatically reduced. Earlier in the Ministry of Industry, reported that in 2021, it is planned to allocate more than 16 billion rubles to stimulate demand in the domestic automotive industry.

Funds are distributed through various programs. So, 8.9 billion rubles is allocated to stimulate sales for individuals with preferential car loans. Another 3.8 billion rubles are provided for the program of preferential lease for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. 3.33 billion rubles are provided for stimulating sales of gas engine equipment.

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