Investor from Dubai will invest more than $ 5 billion in Bitcoin


Entrepreneur from Dubai Khurram Shront plans to buy 100 thousand bitcoins, and then send them to the creation of the Miami 2.0 Blockchain Strategy Foundation

The chairman of the Dubai IBC Group Hurrars Schroff intends to invest 100 thousand bitcoins (~ $ 5.6 billion) in creating a Miami 2.0 Blockchain Strategy Foundation Foundation. This is reported by the Arabianbusiness edition.

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If Shroff really puts 100 thousand BTC, it will be the largest public crypto investing in the entire history of the market. At the same time, the head of IBC Group added that the decision to invest in Bitcoin is associated with a request from the US Developer Burkhan World Investment to expand the introduction of the blockchain in real estate projects in Miami.

It is reported that the IBC Group is one of the key players in the real estate market Miami with the development of projects in the amount of more than $ 1 billion.

Bitcoin for Miami

However, Shroff is known not only as a major developer Miami. In November last year, the IBC Group announced plans to invest $ 10 million in the development of the ETHEREUM 2.0 network.

Then it was reported that the company will invest about 20 thousand ETH in the Deposit Contract ETH2. However, whether the company really invested funds, it remains unknown.

Shroff's plans for the creation of the Blocked Foundation appeared after the mayor of the city of Francis Suarez declared readiness to recognize the Bitcoin by the payment tool, as well as an effective investment instrument.

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Investor from Dubai will invest more than $ 5 billion in Bitcoin 6497_1
Khurram Shroff. Source:

The candidate for the post of mayor of New York Andrew Young also supported the decision of Suarez. At the same time, Young noted that he would try to make a global center cryptocurrency from New York in case of victory in elections.

However, Suarez is not the only mayor who felt about the location of cryptocurrency. For example, the mayor of the city of Renault Nevada Hillary Shiv, also also confirmed the readiness to use cryptocurrency as payment and investment instruments.

The price of bitcoin in the BTC / USDT pair at the time of writing the material is $ 56 402.

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The POST Investor from Dubai will invest more than $ 5 billion in the Bitcoin Appeared First On Beincrypto.

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