Harmony OS is the converted Android? That's what Huawei says about it


You have not forgotten about Harmony OS? Despite the fact that Huawei has already launched a beta test program for his new platform, now for about a month there is practically no news about it. The last event associated with Harmony OS was the experiment of a group of developers, which showed that his own Huawei operating system is actually converted android. This is a very loud statement that the Chinese have not even tried to refute, which is strange, given the scale of reputational losses. But now in the company, finally, the explanation was given, the truth is very mediocre.

Harmony OS is the converted Android? That's what Huawei says about it 6490_1
Huawei never said that Harmony OS is not Android

Huawei told how Harmony OS will change to release

Harmony OS is not a copy of iOS or Android. Such a statement was made by Van Changlu, head of the Huawei software development department. According to him, the company is not worth a goal to copy operating systems that are already on the market. There is no point in that, because Huawei works on its own platform since 2016, developing it in a different direction than competitors. Unlike iOS and Android, Harmony OS is a universal system designed for a wide range of devices.

How to lie huawei

Of course, the response from Huawei on the charges of herbs is good. However, I am confused at least three facts in this story.

Harmony OS is the converted Android? That's what Huawei says about it 6490_2
Harmony OS is not a copy of Android, now we know it for sure

Firstly, the reaction looks very late, because from the moment of identifying suspicious similarities between Android and Harmony OS passed almost a month. I doubt that during this time no one in Huawei noticed publications in the media on this topic. So the Chinese simply thought that they answered, and the truth was not exactly what everything (at least I) was waiting for them.

Huawei wants to update his smartphones to Android 11 instead of Harmony OS

Secondly, Channglu directly did not refute the statement that Harmony OS is converted Android. Yes, he said that Huawei did not copy the Mobile Google Operation, but an attempt to recreate the product and remake it for its purposes is not the same thing. After all, if the company's developers simply convert Android and called the resulting Firmware Harmony OS, this is no copying.

Thirdly, Huawei has already made it clear that he considers the unconditional right to use Android. If you remember, at the end of last year, Channglu himself said that Huawei developers strongly reworked Android to their smartphones, making it unrecognizable not only from the point of view of external design, but also internal device. Obviously, the Chinese simply left them a little place for the maneuver - just just in case.

Is it true that Harmony OS is Android

If you think that Channglu was simply not found or not oriented, responding to accusations, then you are mistaken. Forgive me the desire to wisely, but the Chinese are very far from the Roman tradition of conducting public speeches, which suggests that the speaker speaks from himself. In this sense, they are closer to the Byzantine tradition, which provides for reading the written, where every word is turned out. That is, no reservations or random non-renewability can be.

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This is Van Changlu. The very top manager who refused to say that Harmony OS is not Android

Simply put, it should be clear to many - the top manager Huawei made it clear that the company is unpleasant the idea that it is put on the dependent position from Google. But since he did not say "No" to the question of using Android at the heart of Harmony OS, I conclude that Channglo is simply not so given such an answer, because the straight lie is unacceptable.

What Huawei smartphones will receive Harmony OS. Full list

Why Huawei laid Android based on Harmony OS (if laid) - the matter is completely different. Perhaps the Chinese did not have time to declare and could not prepare Harmony OS to launch on time. And, perhaps, the use of Android was intentionally, because with his help Huawei it is tritely easier to translate branded smartphones to the corporate platform. Moreover, it is possible that truth is both assumptions. But, anyway, now we know for sure: Huawei did not refute the use of Android, so the conclusions that made enthusiast developers are most likely true.

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