5 best ampel varieties of tomatoes


Ampelny tomatoes (ampel) are grown in suspended cass, buckets, i.e. in arbitrary tanks. The container with ampel culture can be installed, for example, on a plot near the house or in the apartment conditions. For the cultivation of these varieties of tomatoes, the balcony is perfect.

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5 best ampel varieties of nelya tomatoes

Cultivation of ampel tomatoes (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

Pluses of growing ampel tomatoes:

  • Seedlings can be planted early in spring. This contributes to the rapid harvest.
  • When growing on the windowsill in the apartment you can have a whole year to have fresh tomatoes.
  • It is rarely ill (for example, phytoofluorosis), since the containers in which they grow well ventilated.
  • Do not occupy a lot of space.

These varieties of ampel tomatoes are of great popularity in gilders.

1. Citizen F1

This variety is intended for urban residents.

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5 best ampel varieties of nelya tomatoes

Tomatoes on a branch (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

The variety has large bright red tomatoes. A bush can be tested to the support, and you can not hinder the main stalk hang down.

2. Cascade Red F1 and Cascade Elo F1

Hybrids differ only in color of berries: Red Cascade - Red Tomatoes, Cascade Yejo - Yellow. Bushes of both species occupy a little space, shoots of different lengths hang and branched (shoots do not reach 50 cm).

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5 best ampel varieties of nelya tomatoes

Tomatoes (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

Plus of these hybrids - unpretentiousness. During the growth period, it is only necessary to cut yellow and dry leaves on time.

3. Red abundance F1

This ray hybrid is popular thanks to its high yield and attractive mind. If it is watering and feeding on time, tomatoes will give an abundant crop of red fragrant fruits. They are big clusters hang on a bush. Pomators are small, for sweet taste resemble Cherry.

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5 best ampel varieties of nelya tomatoes

Tomatov Vintage (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

A red abundance of F1 fast-growing bush, his hanging shoots longer than 50 cm long. They do not need to be tied up and forming. Side shoots do not need to be pausing. Ripen for 47-52 days.

4. Garden pearl

The bushes of this kind of low growth (approximately to half a meter), but have many branchy shoots, which are sleeping round pink cherry tomatoes weighing up to 20 g. This kind is better grown on the windowsill. In order for tomatoes perfectly grow, you need to put a bush in a pot pot capacity of 3 liters, filled with fertile soil.

5. Talisman

The talisman is the most popular variety of ampel tomatoes, has been led since a long time.

Talisman bush is low (about 50 cm), branches are not very broad. Tomatoes are smooth, egg-shaped, red, fleshy. The mass of approximately 80 g grown in the vegetable vegetable tomatoes, and at home in containers - 20-40 ripen for 95-105 days.

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