Time TechNares

Time TechNares 6472_1


Grand burden slipped off my soul. I am no longer a fateful responsibility for everything so that it does not happen in the world

M. Bulgakov. Morphine. Notes on cuffs

That we are all about IB and about IB. Let's talk about technars.

Modern society under the influence of the circumstances was plunged into the digital world - the world, where it is undivided (as it is considered) Tekhnari is dominated - the creators of digital states: Facebook, Google, Telegram and so on. It seems that the time of techies occurred ...

So what is this caste such - Tehnari? Let's slightly ironizing, strive. To begin with, we will define the term.

Techinar (from Lat. Sozday Iz 1 KG Dosok 2 KG Skvorechnikov) - Suppleck.

Beginners techinari are, as a rule, quiet imperceptible specialists, but if they find proper use, and even better - somehow it is not enough to encourage, they can straighten your wings and surprise not so much around as themselves.

How to distinguish techie from non-tech. If not a tech can only designate the problem, the tech will offer how to solve it. Techman When solving a difficult task with a smallest probability make a mistake. Unlike non-tech, tehnaar is much more rational and pragmatic. He always wants an interesting job for adequate money, but in order to do as much as possible to engage in building all the right workflows. Not techman changes the place of work for the realization of personal plans, techman - when it becomes boring and uninteresting. Techinar, as a rule, in everything is always looking for the opportunity to get new valuable skills and experience. At the same time, he is ready to abandon the leather chairs and lose even in the salary. He does not need a friendly team, it is quite suitable, a small, explanatory team. In the work for tech, the main thing is to confidence in those people with whom you do a common cause. Technary is not particularly interesting, as his position is called. Tecto has no motivation to direct someone to lead - he is on the nature of the Buntar and a single pioneer.

Techinar only then makes efforts when his desires encourage him. When he dorms and his nothing excites, his excellent qualities and abilities are not particularly noticeable to others. Techinar is more successful when it makes fun from. It is necessary to just take it.

For techi, who has valuable knowledge and skills, problems of communication deficiency or dissatisfaction with social identity depart into the background. Tecto almost always has the ability to change the company (it is self-sufficient), and, it means that in the theory of the likelihood of techinar sooner or later will fall into a financially promising industry or company (at least he believes in it). If the teching from time to time changes the place of work, then its capitalization as a specialist is only growing. If the technar is long engaged in one and the same in one place, then for it there is a certain risk forever to remain as a secondary technical support manager and maintenance not tech. Being on calls is not the ideal to which tehnar seeks.

A good tech must draw like red wine. The level of its salary and labor efficiency is not very correlated in the first few years of career. Since the novice tech will earn medium money, then the requirements for it in the company, respectively, is average. Combated knowledge and skills, techman begins to promote himself, becoming a strong professional.

Tehnar knows: To get to the company for a good place, you need to be a narrow specialist. At the same time, he also learned: to keep in a new place necessary on the contrary, to have versatile knowledge and skills. Therefore, techinar is forced to become a narrow specialist in more and more different areas (from programming to network administration). Perhaps the tech will never reach the top in any of its own business, but it will always try to figure out in many things right away. What he does not know does not exist for him. Tehnar is always too busy in order to think about and solve the problem to others, as a rule, imposed by the way it. The usual development model of the Tehnar is to figure out and understand how it works, write an instruction and give to colleagues. The achievement of the goal is not only deprives the teeth of Azart in work, but does not bring the desired sense of satisfaction. Therefore, the goals of techinar sees vaguely, and obstacles are clearly.

Opinion about technories in companies

Name of the Unit / Group of Employees

Opinion about techical

Employees of the personnel department

Everyone must come at 8:45, so that at 9:00 it is already silent to sit near the included computers, and Tehnaari come when they want. These are the most undisciplined employees (constantly do surges, have accumulated many days of unused vacation)

Employees of the regime

Always focused and something busy when people run around in a panic with shouts

Employees AHO

Go to dirty shoes by corridors. Smoke in the wrong place

Security officers

Extremely friendly guys. Constantly work with us on weekends

Financial Department employees

Spend money wasted. Large Foundation for Labor

Employees of the Legal Department

Aid from them will not wait. They do not want to understand not only in the legal requirements of the protection of personal data, but also in contracts with service providers. What to say about the interpretation of articles 63-ФЗ on electronic signature

Employees of the Marketing department

The overwhelmed self-conceit of techies is a consequence of time exclusively among computers, unable to criticize and give feedback.

Accounting staff

Techinari - Choto boys and the best friends of accounting

Employees - Corporate Information System Users

If the bulk of the problems is solved by rebooting the server, what then the merit of tech

We summarize.

10 qualities of a good techman: 1) a desire to deal with everything, 2) the desire to be useful people, 3) passion for the fact that he loves, 4) concentration on an interesting task, 5) perseverance, 6) persuasiveness, 7) the ability to talk right no , 8) The ability to continue to learn, 9) the ability to react to the threats of bosses, 10) readiness to change.

Source - Blog Valeria Yetekhina "IB. View from below. Guide to the world of corporate alarm of the security officer for IB (16+) ".

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