22.01 - 11.04 Exhibition "Museum of Selfolation" in Moscow

22.01 - 11.04 Exhibition

Museum of Moscow resumed work and presented a new exhibition "Museum of Self-Isolation" - a joint project of the Moscow Museum and the Triumpher Gallery, documenting the experience of citizens and artists during the Pandemic period.

The history of the "Museum of Self-Isolation" began in the summer. On June 19, a group exhibition about a Pandemic "Emergency" was opened in the Gallery "Triumph", and on July 13, the Moscow Museum launched the collection of items and stories about self-insulation.

Joint exhibition - a new stage of studying this phenomenon, an attempt to comprehend the spring experience and present it in the form of a museum exposition.

22.01 - 11.04 Exhibition

"When the first period of self-insulation ended, as the urban museum, we understood that we need to archive, documencing that unique experience that was worried about all the townspeople. When we announced Open Call in July, they invited citizens to share their stories, objects and photographs made on self-insulation, we did not expect such a reaction, there was a feeling that everyone was already tired of this topic, staying at home and do not want to share it.

But in part this exhibition has a psychotherapeutic effect. And here you see such a multi-stage reflection of the experience of what was with us a year ago in the spring and early summer of the 20th year. On the one hand, the townspeople who found in the art of a kind of psychotherapy, brought their items, their stories, and you can see how beautiful these things are, you often cannot distinguish them from works made by artists, those who declare themselves as artists .

And the third layer is those studies that were conducted directly at the moment by research groups and consulting companies. It is also very interesting that modern technologies allow us to respond very quickly to those events that occur today "- said Anna Trapkov, General Director of the Moscow Museum.

22.01 - 11.04 Exhibition

The exhibition presents artifacts created by Muscovites, and the works of artists: graphics, photographs, installations, performances, personal evidence, self-made masks, decorations, diaries - all this was part of the exhibition.

The exposition consists of four sections: "Start", "Peak", "Plateau" and "after". Each fixes a certain emotion, which is associated with the chronicle of the spread of infection in Moscow. In the "After" section, the special place is assigned to artifacts of the second wave.

Curators: Marina Bobylev, Polina Zhurakovskaya, Nail Farhatdinov

Share your story by filling out the form on the site isolation.mosmuseum.ru

The exhibition is open until April 11 2021

Moscow City Museum

Moscow, Zubovsky Boulevard, 2, 3 Corps


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