14 plants capable of scaring mice from the garden


    Good afternoon, my reader. Rodents with a mass appearance in the garden are able to destroy a significant part of the crop. Chemical preparations for the fight against these pests may adversely affect vegetables and fruit plants, therefore it is worth limiting. It is not always helped to get rid of rodents and traps. There may be assistance to plants with aromas that scare mice. Additionally, they will serve the decoration of the site.

    14 plants capable of scaring mice from the garden 643_1
    14 plants capable of scaring mice from Garia Verbilkova

    It is possible to distinguish 14 cultures that can effectively deliver the garden and a garden from mice effectively from the manifold of vegetation.

    1. Bowls Bolotnaya. In the above-ground parts of this plant contained essential oil, the fragrance of which is unpleasant for rodents.
    2. Bosne black and red. Apply the branches of these shrubs in the role of observer material.
    3. Warmless (autumn, Kolkhikum). Plant planted, capable of scareting rodents, around the perimeter of the bed. All parts of this flower poisonous.
    4. Dock white. An herbal unpretentious twiser is planted on the plot. Its characteristic aroma of Kumarin, resembling the smell of freshly acted herbs, creates discomfort for mice. Sit down as a living fence Groz, flower. You can sow under the bushes.
    5. Coriander sowing or vegetable (Kinza). Phachuchi plant planted in order to protect against mice between the beds. It can be bunched by grass beams of berry and fruit plants, fixing them with an elastic cord.
    6. Narcissus. The bulbs containing toxic compounds are recommended, lay a variety to the surface and cover the mulching material.
    7. Pijma ordinary. Most often, the bundles of the dried above-ground part of this widespread perennial are unfolded in vegetable storages. Mice will cost such a party to the party.
    8. Feverfew. Stems with fragile leaves and inflorescences when storing vegetables are laid out between the boxes. You can wipe the trunks of fruit trees.
    9. Sagebrush. A peculiar fragrance of bitter grass scares not only mice, but also malicious insects. Looking for wormwood usually around the perimeter of the garden. Place dry branches in the crop storage places. Juicy stalks lay around the beds and between the bushes.
    10. Tomatoes. Mice do not like the fragrance of tomato tops. Juicy stems chopped into small fragments and scattered into rolling circles. It is conveniently similar to protecting young bushes and trees.
    11. Repel. At the burdock, spherical inflorescences are covered with spines, which are not difficult to attach to rodent wool. This scares them, so the gardens stems of a barbed burdow protect the aging harvest.
    12. Pharmaceutical camomile. If this plant appears on the garden as weed, it is necessary to leave it when weeding. The characteristic smell causes to leave the place where the daisy is growing pharmaceutical. Praching beams are unfolded in a barn, in a garden house, between landings.
    13. A series of three-part. Pulls the mice not only a sharp smell. This plant has rough leaves, which, when in contact with the torso, rodent rustle strongly. It makes it run away from a dangerous place.
    14. Medicinal Chernery. Other characteristic names of this poisonous grass with an unpleasant smell, such as the mouse spirit, ratsogon, are also known. Rodents scares not only fragrance, but also cling to wool spiny seeds.
    14 plants capable of scaring mice from the garden 643_2
    14 plants capable of scaring mice from Garia Verbilkova

    Many of the herbs unpleasant for rodents contain toxic compounds, which allows you to prepare on their basis destructive for mice bait. All actions are performed using individual protective equipment: dense closed clothes, gloves, glasses, masks. Use special dishes that does not apply in everyday life.

    Variants of bait, which distribute the mixture in those places where rodents live:

    • Unite 20 g of a non-laminate seed with 1 kg of cereals.
    • Mix 5 g of crushed rhizoma of the crow (paris) with sunflower seeds, which take 100 g.
    • Make a mixture of 50 g of grinding straw-like acronite roots (fighter) with the addition of 1 kg of cereals.
    • Purify vegetable oil in a small container (take an unrefined type). With stirring, extended ticklands ordinary grains are nomed to obtaining a mass resembling sour cream.
    • It is shifted into the capacity of 200 g chopped on small fragments of the roots of the label. Add 250 ml. Hold 4-5 days. Poured with infusion grain, such as millet or oats. When the liquid is absorbed, lay the bait at the occurrence of rodents.

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