Penagiric agor.

Penagiric agor. 6424_1

- I am a little man, but I live a big life ...

Mr. Adonis from the house on the contrary, with whom we divide the neighborhood on the mountain, cut a living fence: olendra, juniper, powerful pink bushes. The branches dumped right on the road, thereby complicating, thereby, without that difficult turning turn. In addition, he was so carried away, which at the same time hung a honest wild fir tree, the secret grandfather love.

"I told him," Grandfather was outraged. - I said right to him: "Adonis! Why did you throw branches? They interfere with the pass. They prevent me from doing the left turn "!

- What is he?

- answered insidiously as Sophist: "You never ride there, Panayotis! You always turn to the right. " No, if he will allow this again, I will break! I'll break and do not know what I will do with him!

Grandfather rarely allows himself to be angry, so when in a few days I heard the roar of chainsaws at the opposite house, my heart froze. I was afraid for Mr. Adonis - something from him will make the brothering grandfather? Looks out in the window: grandfather in the working jacket and a cap of the khaki color, holding his chainsaw in his hands, hastily and fell asleep on Mr. Adonis. I opened the door, and I was opened with an impressive picture of the Greek massacre: grandfather is severely, without any condescension, sawing along with Adonis his undisputed foliage.


The other day, snow-white flowers bloomed, I don't know the names, similar to those with my sister as a child playing "Milk". Bees were spinning over them - each hung over his flower and did not fly away, as if tied to the rope. Hyacinths sprinkled on the marathon meadows. The March wind turned out to be more transparent and the round of February, he accommodated more sun, doubled the growing shadows, convinced my archer to write another panechnic agor.


Prokoki surrounded by friends and customers actively celebrated preparations for the Great Post.

- Good triodes! - cried crooks diligently. - Have a good post! Buy Anchovy!

- Fresh Anchovus? - clarified Mrs. Martha.

- Today I caught at seven in the morning!

Pavlos and Lydia, spouses, half a century who lived together, became similar to each other, as papaged and papagen: even the wrinkles have laid the same routes. However, when the procopies asked how many to put Screws, Pavlos cried out: "Two kilograms", and Lydia - "Polkulo".

The proof was amazed:

- My God! It turns out that you are completely different!


"You hear Manolh," Mr. Athanasius turned to the refinery. - Remember, I told you that my nephew was born a daughter? And I still hoped for something confused, and this son?

"I remember, Manolis dismissed absently, irrigated the broccoli of water with droplets from a bottle.

- So, Manolh. This girl still turned out to be not a boy!


Netary brought from Phi from two types.

- What is it different? He asked him Mr. Dionysius, a bachelor, who has to do all the homework.

- This is Yellow - only for a frying pan, brother! - sympathy appealed to him nectaries. - And on the other you can do whatever you want: in the oven, and on the coal, and on my puree. However, I can be wrong - I'm not cooking!


- What is it? - Ms. Aspasia asked, tumbling with a weak finger to an unknown citrus fetus.

"Mandarin," Aristotle Peppas shrugged.

- But why is it ... so strange? Aspacy asked carefully.

- Normal! - cheerfully parried Peppas. - Just illegitimate.


The Apostle got a line. There is no place from where the "EcCom of MI" politely told the "ECCOM", but at the same time Porers pay first. Andromaha and Mario were very puzzled.

- You see what is happening! - Announted Andromaha. - They took us not only Greece, but also turn! Apostle, why do you pink a foreigner?

The apostle smiled.

- Do you think it's a matter of nationality? Just he talked to me!


Grigoris sold a bunch of magnificent artichokes.

"Take, take artichokes," he urged the Urania.

Urania doubted.

- Do you have delicious?

- Still would! The sweeter of the rabbit, even if you are preparing it, and your neighbor!


Mr. Athanasius discussed the news with Stavros Yakumakis.

"Made a vaccination," he spacked restrained.

- BUT! Yes Yes. After all, you are already seventy-five! - Podkall of his Yakumakis, who considered himself young, although it was only six years old.

- But the nurse did not want to make me vaccinating! - instantly reacted Athanasius. - I had to show documents. I was sure that I was seventy!


The gray-haired Meneli chose a jacket of Mr. Kostasa. Mr. Kostas inspired him, loyed by a long bargaining:

- Menelia, do not think. I will make you such a price that ... that you can throw this jacket!

- A good jacket, - Menneli frowned, looking at the jacket on his hands stretched out.

- But the color is too bright. Orange.

- Cute, buy! In case of misfortune, you will find you quickly! - shouted Kostas.


"I am a little man, but I live a big life," said Prokopii, having emerged from the champulus of a charming brunette, which he was whispered in his ear. - Perhaps the lifetime of a little man has its drawbacks, but on the first place we are in the first place!

Plato wrote that after all his adventures Odyssey turned ambition and chose the soul for the next incarnation - not the hero, not the Winner-Olympic, but an ordinary man - Nasil found her, I was barefot somewhere on the backyards, because it was all neglected.

Athens Geometer Medon placed the market in the center of the ideal city, which planned to build in accordance with world harmony. Where else to see the actors of the unchanged ancient scenes, the embodiment of the library paradise, where you hear the pure pleasure of silence and the ambrosy of sounds, where important feelings are frozen on the threshold of words, where the golden age of an ordinary person is still lasting and the small affairs of unknown people are appreciated.

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