Innovative materials for industry and the development of Asian Russia: the governor and president of the Russian Academy of Sciences got acquainted with the implementation of projects "Stomohillionnikov"

Innovative materials for industry and the development of Asian Russia: the governor and president of the Russian Academy of Sciences got acquainted with the implementation of projects

President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev works in the Novosibirsk region for two days - February 1 and 2 - on the eve of the Day of Russian Science. Governor Andrei Travnikov during the meeting with Academician on February 2 discussed the interim results of the implementation of major scientific projects that won the grant competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Projects selected by the Expert Council of the Competition in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Science receive financing in the amount of at least one hundred million rubles. Their focus is fundamental world-class studies.

The head of the region noted that this program, which simplifically referred to the program "Stomillionnikov", has already received a positive assessment of the research community. To effectively implement all projects, you need a clearer definition of the role of the Customer, the designation of the main priorities.

Andrei Heroven and Alexander Sergeyev visited the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. S. A. Khristianovich SB RAS and the Institute of Savings and the Organization of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where they presented the interim results of the implementation of the winning projects.

In particular, the Institute of Economics and the Organization of Industrial Production SB RAS received a grant on the topic "Socio-economic development of Asiatic Russia based on the synergy of transport accessibility, systemic knowledge of the natural resource potential of an expanding space of interregional interactions." As noted during the meeting, the project implies the creation of a methodological framework for a comprehensive, interdisciplinary research program - the modern version of the former Siberia program in the conditions of new (as well as projected) realities and challenges.

At a meeting with scientists at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. S.A. Christian SO RAS The results of the project "Creating a theoretical and experimental platform for studying physicochemical mechanics of materials with complex loading conditions" was presented. The head organization-performer project is the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Project tasks - solving topical problems at the junction of mechanics, materials science, chemistry and physics. The project provides for the creation of a theoretical and experimental platform, which will continue to be used for a complete study cycle in the Megasaine Class and the development of specific technological products.

Now at the Institute there is an active work on the study of the interaction of the laser with a substance, the development of laser cutting and welding of aviation aluminum. A cooperation with the Institute of Nuclear Physics allows you to use synchrotron radiation during welding to more accurately fix the characteristics of the material at the time of melting. In the future - the development of specific technologies and innovative products intended for solving priority tasks extended by industry.

For reference:

Last year, programs represented by the Institute of Thermophysics them were defeated in the grant contest for major scientific projects on the priority areas of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation. S. S. Kutateradze SB RAS, the Institute of Economics and the Organization of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Semiconductor Physics. A. V. Rzhanova SB RAS, the Institute for the Dynamics of Systems and the Theory of Management. V. M. Matrosova SB RAS (Irkutsk), as well as the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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