Apple released iOS 14.5 Beta 2. What's new


Today, February 16, Apple has released the second beta version of iOS 14.5 and iPados 14.5. Test assemblies left the day after launching MacOS 11.2.1 and Watchos 7.3.1, which the company has issued in an emergency to eliminate critical system flaws that interfer the use of compatible devices. Despite the fact that while iOS 14.5 Beta 2 is officially available for download only to developers, on the fact they can download them anyone by installing the acting beta profile.

Apple released iOS 14.5 Beta 2. What's new 6403_1
iOS 14.5 promises to be the most functional update after iOS 14

In iOS 14.5 Safari will not give Google to follow users

From the point of view of the significance of the planned innovations of iOS 14.5, it can safely move with annual updates that Apple releases each autumn. Already with the release of the first beta version of the update, it became clear that it would be one of the most ambitious, but even the developers did not count on this.

New functions iOS 14.5

Apple released iOS 14.5 Beta 2. What's new 6403_2
Unlock iPhone can now be in a mask
  • Apple added to iOS 14.5 anti-trekking system, which requires developers to ask users to track permission;
  • Apple began to drive the search queries of users they send to Google through their servers, preventing the collection of their data;
  • Finally, the iPhone users with Face ID have the opportunity to unlock them without removing the mask if Apple Watch is on the wrist;
  • Few know that sites can track cliques with a mouse or touch with your fingers, however iOS 14.5 will allow you to prohibit it;
  • Apple Music will no longer be the only music application used by default because users will be able to change them independently;
  • The "picture-in-picture" function, which allowed you to watch YouTube in a separate window via Safari and which was blocked in iOS 14, earned again.

Why iOS 14.5 - IOS 15 Update

These are the main functions, and there are still a number of secondary:

  • Support 5G on two SIM cards immediately;
  • Evaluation of solvent in the Wallet application;
  • Support for family bank account Apple Card Family;
  • Broadcast training from Apple Fitness + through AirPlay 2.

When iOS 14.5 will come out

Despite the fact that the list of promised innovations is not so wide, all the main functions that will appear in iOS 14.5, look more than worthy. They take into account the wishes of the users themselves who wanted, first, unlock the iPhone in the mask, and, secondly, change the default music applications.

Apple released iOS 14.5 Beta 2. What's new 6403_3
iOS 14.5 will not be released before April, but after him it is worth waiting for at least one update

Since iOS 14.5 is an update of the first order, its testing will take at least less than a year and a half. Therefore, the release is worth waiting for nothing earlier than April, or even a little later. Thus, it turns out that before the start of the iOS 15 beta test program, Apple will have the ability to squeeze another IOS functional update per number 14.6.

iOS stores applications after removal and does not delete them

I do not know, you noticed or not, but last year, Apple went to an unprecedented step for myself and increased the number of first-order updates that IOS gets, with four to six. It is clear that it was necessary, taking into account the implementation of the COVID-19 patient tracking system, but considering that Apple cannot leave users for 3 months without updates, most likely, this year the tradition will continue.

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