Two Russia and Naked King


Two Russia and Naked King 6400_1
Promotion in St. Petersburg.

The events of January 31 dispelled the concerns of some and the hopes of others - to the fact that the tough suppression of protests a week ago managed to knock down the protest wave. Suppression This time was everywhere where more cruel and frightening, with the introduction, in fact, the military situation in the centers of both capitals. And the protests that a week ago, that now, was national, and this is a very important distinguishing feature.

As Alexey Navalny urged, people did not go for him, or rather, not only for him - they went beyond their dignity, for their country, for change. The second side did not go anywhere from his bunkers and palaces of varying degrees of luxuriousness, instead she sent to the streets of gendarmes, well prepared and equipped. We saw two Russia: free people and gentlemen with their gendarmes serving them.

January protests and everything around them, have become the moment of truth, who demonstrated even so much rottenness, how much the boutophistic nature of many elements of the Russian political regime. It was not by chance that we did not see any independent public political statements, neither more action - neither of those who proudly call themselves politicians, deputies and senators, nor from those who are numbered by law enforcement officers. In this sense, despite the stirring dresses during the constitutional reform, the king, or in our case the king, turns out to be naked.

And thanks to Navalny, everyone seems today.

Navalnya not just struck Vladimir Putin into the most sensitive place, but also broke him the whole thoroughly built the game since January last year. The Kremlin has forced to go to the defense and can not (and can it?) Reflect the situation. Transformation 2.0 from the beginning of the year is not at all under the Kremlin dictation. And this is a very important feature of the last two weeks. Starting from the arrival of the Navalny authorities lost control over the agenda: she does not lead their game, she will defend and so far - that with the protests, that with the palace is not very successful.

Return to the former status quo can no longer be, but a new, confrontational, extremely unstable, and it is hardly suitable for anyone. The old Putin regime lost, but what will be the new - a big question. As sometime after the Bolotnaya, a fork arises here: with Putin or without. The option with Putin becomes more and more burdensome for the system, if possible. And if this is a variant of further slipping towards the police state in its pure form, then Putin from the main and once extremely profitable his asset becomes an asset is becoming more toxic, both inside the country and intern. These are the other two Russia in today's confrontation: Russia Putin and Russia without Putin, Russia of the past and Russia of the future.

Now it is fundamentally, what a continuation is bad for yourself or very bad - the government will choose on February 2, when the court will decide whether to give in bulk real term in three and a half years. The fear of demonstrate the weakness pounds the Kremlin with the security forces into the trap, and it seems that the way out of this trap is not visible without much losses.

The author's opinion may not coincide with the position of the VTIMES edition.

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