Tomatoes rot on the bushes: Cause and way to solve the problem


    Good afternoon, my reader. Fruit rot - a serious threat to the crop of tomatoes. Wherever the tomatoes (in a closed or open soil), these diseases do not spare culture. Typically, plants begin to suffer due to the reduction of immunity and infected soil. And the main reason for the spread of rot is unsatisfactory care or adverse weather phenomena.

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    Tomatoes rot on the bushes: the reason and method of solving the problem of nonsense

    Tomato rotting (photos from

    The appearance of dark dry spots on the fruits is called "dry spotting". This infection affects tomatoes growing in all types of soil. The disease begins to develop with high humidity and temperatures from 26 to 31 ° C. It usually applies to the summer rain season.

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    Tomatoes rot on the bushes: the reason and method of solving the problem of nonsense

    Tomato disease (photo is used according to a standard license ©

    Alternariasis is susceptible to all the grained cultures. Therefore, peppers, potatoes can be infected from sick tomatoes. The tomatoes spoiled by rotten rotten are not suitable for eating, storing or cooking any culinary dishes.

    Small soft spots merging with the color of the skin of tomatoes - symptoms of anthracnose lesnosis. A fungal infection is not immediately manifested in the initial stages. However, if you do not detect the disease in a timely manner, instead of a high-quality crop on plants, dried and blackened tomatoes will remain.

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    Tomatoes rot on the bushes: the reason and method of solving the problem of nonsense

    Antraznosis (photo with

    The disease amazes the tomatoes cultivated in any type of soil (open, closed). In the main risk group - overripe tomatoes. A favorable environment for the distribution of anthrand is high humidity and heat (22-24 ° C). The biggest danger of tomatoes are exposed during the harvest (end of summer - the beginning of autumn).

    One of the most common and dangerous diseases of culture can completely destroy the harvest. Prerequisites for the development of infection are adverse climatic conditions and violations of the requirements of agrotechnology.

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    Tomatoes rot on the bushes: the reason and method of solving the problem of nonsense

    Top rotten of tomatoes (photos from open sources)

    Most often, the infection of the vertex rotting occurs during the drought period or the protracted rains, when tomatoes begin to crack. The infection penetrates the fruit, causing the process of rotting.

    In addition, this disease often occurs due to the unsatisfactory composition of the soil: the tomatoes grow poorly on acidic soils. Especially if there is an excess of nitrogen or calcium deficiency in the soil.

    The roting fruits of tomatoes - the result of incorrect care of the passive culture. Violation of the crop rotation and the requirements of the agrotechnology can lead to a complete loss of crop. Timely detection of the problem will help to correct the situation.

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